
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - 信 Believe!

Shizun helps once again

I found shizun's quoting from Avatamsaka sutra to illustrates a point:


[[ I remember a verse from the Avatamsaka Sutra which speaks on how this
level of great dharma is difficult for most people to believe.

Perhaps it is exactly due to its greatness that most mundane mortals
find difficulty believing and understanding it.

The verse goes like this:

Striving for the Great Vehicle is still easy
Compared to the greater difficulty of believing this teaching.

Even more difficult it is to retain, recite, and explain it to others,
To practise according to the teaching and truly understand it.

To hold a galaxy on one`s head 
Without moving, for one eon,
Is not considered difficult 
Compared to believing this teaching.

To pick up ten buddha-lands in your hand
And stand in space through an eon
Is not to be considered hard
Compared to believing this teaching.

If one provides comforts for an eon
To the homes of beings as numerous as the atoms in ten lands,
One’s merit is not to be considered as supreme as
One who believes this teaching is the most excellent.

Even spending an eon serving
As many buddhas as there are atoms in ten lands,
One’s merit will be greater, more supreme,
If one can recite and uphold this book.  

just like helping AA find one the article whereby SZ vowed that he won't sue anyone last Saturday!


AA: Fashi, R u saying most people only believe when they start 'seeing'..

Example :
One will only believe the power of SZ until his/her prayer or wish is being answered?

But for us, we choose to believe SZ 100% first because we know GM will see to it..
Is it correct?

LC: : My dear, this is a vicious cycle!

From Believe, you become Even More so when your mind somehow opened by
cultivation and the sharpening of your 5 senses TO ABSOLUTE TRUST!

Some believe to a certain extend and dropped out after NOT GETTING
what they think they should GET in "reward" for their efforts in cultivation!

In Buddhism, AFFINITY levels determine the success of one's cultivation!

Guru said:..this level of great dharma is [difficult for most people] to believe.

Expectation of Rewards is a very sentient and sort of build-in Mindset of Most people.
Those that understand Buddha Dharma learns to correct this Mindset with Buddha Dharma.

However, THE Lure Of Sentient Materials always the most difficult to LET GO!


When they can SEE?
See what?
Seeing is another Scary Hindrance to Cultivation!

Like XX said she can see Shizun in bright golden light once she starts
chanting Guru's mantra, without fail!

Whats next?
Stuck there! This to XX is the Ultimate of Cultivation!
The Beginning and the End for her!

This is Sentient Attachment and Fixation to Form which some classified as [Overcame by Mara]!

Buddha Dharma is to be use as A Whole Package, in order to benefit others and self!
Else one goes "wrong channel"!   :)

CC: Yes,I must highlight the "Expectation of Reward" for being the hindrance for most people.
It isn't that easy to change this kind of mindset.

However, you're correct when saying that we're to live the simplest way we could and let go unnecessary things one by one, leading to the total renunciation.

I guess affinity may define the speed of progress.
And again, "to believe" in the teaching (reality, so to speak) is also important point to be aware of.

Very nice sharing :)

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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