
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - 信 Believe! [2]

Hi 蓮廚法師,

How are you? 謝謝您email七月及八月火供schedule給我,我已聯絡AA,我們二人都要報名參加,資料如下:

法師, 我們參加除了為自己祈福外,亦是我們二人支持及信任法師的心意,無論外面發生什麼,我同AA都不會理會,我們堅信師尊亦堅信法師!
[Fashi, other than participating in Blessing request, both of us supports and trust and believe in Fashi's intention, no matter what others said, me and AA also won't be bothered, as we firmly believe in Shizun and also Fashi! 
I didn't speak for AA, she asked me to help her transmit to you!]

[[Although  our acquaintance is not deep, but through these 2 meetings with fashi, I truly realized that Fashi is true-hearted and sincere in Teaching/Succoring Sentient beings, I am touched!]

[Also during this period of reading Fashi's blog, I have addedly learn lots on Right Believe and Right Thoughts, Steadfast Heart towards Guru, strengthening my Boddhi Path Heart, also learn to encourage Self to be more diligent in cultivation!]

所謂一念天堂一念地獄,在地獄時跟本沒法想像天堂是怎樣,忽然有天堂之手把我拔上天堂老邊界老遠的一個Cleansing Spa....hahaha...咁爽!


[As the saying goes, One thought of Heaven, One thought of Hell, In Hell there is no way to imagine what Heaven is Like. Suddenly a Heavenly hand pulled me up to Heaven's far boundaries, for a Cleansing Spa.... Hahaha.... so cool!
..... who will want to return to Hell? Still don't take a quick bath and then knock on Heaven's door?]


Hi dear
I am very touched by your Trust in Guru n Me. :)

Whatever others said about me really not important!
Guru said: I don't care!
Me too!
Cultivation really between Guru n student.

What I said is True, those that can't cultivate just very jealous.

Power n control over others for many years, they can't Let Go!


Dear all,

I shared this Shijie's email not out to show off, but to illustrate a point.

For those that defame or slander me, scold or reprimand me, pass judgment on me, ....etc.

Have you met me?
Have you truly read my articles comprehensively to know me?
Have you benefited from my sharing of Buddha Dharma and its application with you?

Now think of what Guru said and what he went through these years and still going through them all, without an end in sight.
Does Guru cares about all the Classified Negatives hurled at him constantly?

Guru answered this one on 29-6-2013, with 无生法忍, [No Birth, Dharma, Perseverance].
Hahaha! Sounds ominous? 

Well, employing Buddha Dharma, One can Void or Nullify All Negatives; and carry on with LIFE as Happily as Usual.

This state is what Guru shared before: Eternally in Samodhi!

All these Defamation & Slander & Scolding..... have they Cause Guru to be a lesser Teacher?
Have they halted Guru from Continuing to share Buddha Dharma and Succoring Sentient Beings DAILY?

When you don't have Affinity now or this lifetime, Buddha will succor you in the next or subsequent ones, provided you don't walk into Timeless or Vajra Hell with Both Eyes Wide Opened!!!

If you truly listen to Guru all these times, you would also have picked up HOW TO LOOK AT A TRUE YOGI! 
Guru gave the Characteristics of a True Yogi in his book [Sword of the Yogi], you can use that as a basis to compare and discern for yourself who is Telling the Truth and a True Yogi.

Guru also brought up on 29-6-2013, Thubten Ksiti's Rounded Perfect features.
You can also use the same to compare with those you choose to Believe and Learn from.

Guru's article on his Magically powerful hands, is another that you should go compare too!
Vajrapani said that Guru has marks or stamps on his hands for specialized execution or application, like Bardo Deliverance, Cleansing, .....

盧勝彥手的魔力 Magical Power of Lu Sheng Yan's Hands.

Hahaha! Did you read the article in this blog about a Fashi that sighted a kind of talisman stamped on my Left Hand? 
Another shijie that called Fairy Jing, also saw this stamp on my Left Hand!

What is on my Right Hand? Watch what I do every time during Fire Puja with my Right Hand! :)

You didn't read these and you went ahead and Pronounced Judgment on me?
O! How Sad!!!

Go watch Guru's video when he tell all what is on Thubten Ksiti's hands and WHICH HAND?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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