
Monday, July 1, 2013

疯狂智慧之[真/假师尊] Crazy Wisdom on [True/False Shizun] -Comments


AA: 我自觉得做弟子的, 在说什么, 㝍什么都要特别谨慎以免误導或影响其他子弟们的思维。
我很庆幸有师尊的大爱, 我能成为真佛宗弟子闻佛法,学习佛法自利利他。
我对此事, 認為师佛以在今天法会开示说了, 我们就该以恭敬心, 感恩的心加上满满的信任心, 以堅固的道心来回報! 对否?  Too many cook spoil the soup ! Apologised for broken Chinese . This is my personal opinion . Cheers !

LC: Yes. I just heard Guru's speech. There is No Absolute Right & Wrong in Any Matters; as Guru said it depends on the Angles You View From! Hahaha! Look At the Great Picture!

However, Basic Principles of Buddha Dharma Applies in whatever angles or rounded view, One claims to be Looking From! These are Not On The Surface of Guru's Speech though, agree?

As Buddha's disciples, Using Buddha Dharma to solve problems and lessen or eliminate suffering Must be a Priority! 

Correct me if I am wrong in what a Buddha disciple should and should not do. :)


Dear all, Shizun has passed the "Ball" back to Core NOW! 

If you listen to Shizun closely, he is talking about Out of Saha & Inside of Saha World methods and Core's Intention to institute legal actions against those that Defame Shizun. :)

He said he will abide by his Vow to not sue anyone! 

What Core wants to do, has nothing to do with him, he Don't Want to Know!

[Listening to SZ's speech!interesting, he said he Vows not to sue anyone!
he said he has achieved Complete enlightenment n 无生法忍 means No Birth
Dharma Perseverance.
When there is no birth then no death.
Do not perceive there is Birth of anything, then with Dharma knowledge, one can therefore persevere and don't get angry and hit out!

This is rather deep:-
however, he said he don't care, up to core to deal with things

he said there are sentient methods, must be tough like iron receptacles!
he is like saying if those really ruin others wisdom life then must take action to halt them!
But Core is the one that ruin others wisdom lives! hahaha!
they told SZ otherwise?

As if they can bluff SZ?

SZ talks about those that took refuge for about 3 years and don't have response from cultivation then left! [ This is not the problem of others but Self that Think they need to have some kind of Response from Cultivation Fast! Also the problem with those teaching them cultivation, and can't transmit the message across about Response from Cultivation. After listening to Shizun today, sincerely hope that all sincerely wants to cultivate must have more patience and truly put in Sincere Efforts. ]

He said Sri Singha spent 25 years learning Maha Perfection!

Also Atisha that spent 12 years learning from Serlingpa.!

he talks about thinking of Singapore n then he is in Singapore meeting with someone!

He said in dreams his Qian kun is big.

Shizun ended with he won't sue anyone!
But From Core's angle that is up to Core!

Wow! This is going to be a BIG BIG WAR!
On the surface, Guru seems like saying Core is right but if they look at the picture as a WHOLE?

Hahaha! Lets see what Core going to do next to SHOW MUSCLES! :)

[[  For Defamation Cases - If they are defaming Guru, Guru has to stand in Witness Box to give Evidence! So when Guru said I stick to my vow of not suing anyone , and what Core wants to do, I Don't Want To Know! There will not be any law suit as Guru won't go to Court! Hahaha! Therefore Core Don't Need Funds at All for suing Defamators!!!]]

BB: What is Qian Kun, Fashi?

LC: Qian Kun is actually Ying & Yang n their concentration inside will determine outcome!
just like our body have to balance Ying n Yang.

It is also name of star constellation
Qian has 3 and Kun has 6


it is also liken to be Heaven & Earth in geomancy

pretty hard to truly explain in english though!
hahaha! ] 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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