
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Crazy Wisdom -失魂 Lost Spirit

Look carefully at the above photo.
On the lower right, see a spirit with duck-beak and a cap and in skeleton form?
On the left, there's another duck like spirit lying on the floor.


I chanced upon a Chinese actress in a Drama serial, and like SZ described, exhibited the looks of Hell.

In this serial, she acts as a mother of the lead.
Her role is just a caring mother, therefore casting should not use her in this role.
She can act the evil step-mom or mom-in-law, but as the lead's mom, really very Out lol!

Hahaha! Whats my point again?

Dear all, if you study or observe those around you carefully for some time, and also understand the Influences of Karma on all beings, you would have a "Portfolio" in your virtual mind = Brain, to do pretty accurate comparison.

This is also Wisdom of Discernment. :)

While in learning dialogue the past few days, I realized why some people "lost part of their spirit" and some to a higher degree too.

Karma is the answer.

Everything we Do, constitute to our own Karmic influences and "Prolonged Exposure" causes changes in our features or our goodness or evilness manifest into our physical form.

We see some met with freak accidents that should not have happened and they might land up being lame or missing a certain part of their body.

However, the topic here is a part or all of  your spiritual essence got lost through Trauma or Life Threatening experiences.

Think: people with amnesia after an accident, what happened?

Their Karmic Creditors came along to collect from them, making them "Unwhole"!

You can lost a part of your spirit essence and be vague or far away at times or you can lost all and medically pronounced as suffering from Amnesia.

However, you can also lost your spirit and someone else's spirit come live inside you.

Little is actually known of our brain even with advancement in Medical science.

People said to be crazy are placed in asylum, LOCKED UP and kept away from civilization.

After treatment, some are Release but get locked up again & again when they have ATTACKS.

In my humble opinion, Medical Science should Join Hands with Genuine Spiritual Healers to save those "lost spirits".
Hahaha! I mean get the respective spirits back to their own or original "Abode" or Body or Shell!

:) Your relevant comments and feedback welcome.

To some, this might be a spooky topic, but to a sincere yogi, the Spirits are also living forms that we all vow to succor, correct?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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