
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Crazy Wisdom – How Much of Shizun's Sharing Have You Truly Absorbed & Digested?

PKV: that FH commented on the indo version of Protect SZ -
comment: Nonsense
this is why he never attend our events
like the fashi LY questioning my rights to host events!

AA: And wrote the status:

[FH: Tidak soal apakah seorang penekun batin memiliki klaim sepihak daya supranatural setinggi apapun, akan tetapi jika perilakunya hanya menciptakan perseteruan, saling mencurigai antar golongan, menciptakan bahan pergunjingan, maka perlu ditanyakan kembali apa norma atau nilai kepatutan yang menjadi sandarannya? Bahkan seorang siswa rohani dasar pun diberikan filosofi pengekangan diri sebagai pegangan mendasar.]

which translates as:

No matter whether a spiritual cultivator one-sidedly claims to have a very high supernatural power, when one's attitudes only creates feud, inter-community suspicion, gossip stuff, then it is imperative to re-inquire what kind of norms or propriety that are being used as the reference. Even the novice spiritual cultivators are given the philosophy of self-restraining as a basic role model.

PKV: That's why I am crazy!
Sharing Crazy Wisdom, that have no rules!

AA: So it's true that the line that separates the heaven and earth are [subtle yet wide]!Hahahaha. Amitabha.

PKV: Yup! No absolute! No right or wrong! 

From his angle, Disharmony is wrong!

However, how does his view that there's Disharmony comes about?

There's also No Birth~ No Death too.

So this is another Zen dialogue!
No arising then no settling. 
Is there disharmony? Hahaha!
I go & post this when I am back + FH's comments .
Please cut & paste his indo comments & email to me.
Each one has his viewpoint but in Buddha dharma All are One!
Let's have fun!

BB: Ahahahaha, ppl are talking about harmony, non gossip etc. 
The problems are they themselves are the ones who create disharmony and also these are not gossip but facts, shameful facts. 
We just reveal them so ppl will be xtra careful. 

Oh, he said Fashi is claiming having a high supernatural power hahhaha, if so then they should ask themselves authentic Dharma power in Tantrayana derive from where? 

If one wrongs his Root Guru, can there be so called power, etc? 

Things are very obvious but they choose to lie to themselves. 

Hahahha, the whole Sangha in TBS seem still feeling not good esp the fact that Fashi can still successfully conduct Homa, asking conduct homa from what sect vihara, alr registered by core? 

LoL oh not Fashi who conducts the Homa but LotusChef Shijie hahaha. Hilarious hor.

Francesca Poon
2. Needed Immediately & Long Termed, large sums of money to silence defamators through legal actions against them. Purpose to "RESTORE" Guru's reputation!

Lotuschef Lama 释莲廚, A Student of Living Buddha Lian-Sheng.: Lotuschef in Definition of Cash

Li Hofat likes this.

Funglie Huang I think your article especially pointing to what TBF deeds is misleading, seems you are driven by pure hatred.

Faith JunHao Hahahaha pure hatred =))


Dear all,
I told Shizun on Friday that I won't waste time explaining Buddha Dharma to those that don't pay attention to what he shared and still sharing all these time! 

Means, I put a "Full Stop" on people that have same mentality as the above that hurled accusations but didn't bother to look deeper for the TRUTH! :)

Let us begin from the Letter from Core last year - alleging that the article [Leave TBS] is misleading and might severe others' Wisdom Lives! 

How did a Zen Dialogue became the Target of Core?
How did it became the "Ammunition" that Core thinks to use to "Kill" Lotuschef?
What Sentiment or Mindset caused Core to want to get rid of Lotuschef from TBS?
TBS belongs to who?

Shizun said that if you fully understand [Karma] you will be enlightened.

My version of Karma is : You threw a pebble into a still pond, creating ripples moving outwards from point of origin. They will hit shore and return from points 360 degrees, back to origin.
Their force of impact with shore, determined their return velocity.

When you hit a hard surface, of course the return will be hard!

That's why, Buddha teaches One, best not to give birth to any action and One will not be responsible for the return of this action.

6th Zen Patriarch, Hui Neng, states that: All thoughts are Evil! 

See my point?

Is there Disharmony?
Is there Hatred?
O! Is there Pure Hatred? :) How did this phrase came into your mind in the first place? 

4 Noble Truths: 
1. Subject - Suffering
2. Suffering identified as Pure hatred
3. Origin of this [Pure hatred] that you gave birth to.
4. With 8 Fold noble path - resolve Pure Hatred.

All from Individual's own demon, agree?
[Dear FH, what if I tell you now that I saw "Something Negative" in your eyes ages ago when I looked at your photo on your facebook page? 
O! I might be able to find the dialogue (AA, do you remember this one?)  regarding this sighting. 
I only tell those with Life-threatening conditions though. :) ] 

If You Think You have the Answers to Enlightenment from Shizun, then you are Enlightened, sorry to inform you that You Have Failed the very simple test of No Birth/No Death; No Arise/No Disintegrate.

You also failed to heed Shizun's teachings all these decades, or really didn't understand a wee bit of what Shizun shares with all.
Has Shizun said that his reputation needs to be restored? 
Hahaha! You want Shizun to ask you: What reputation? 

Shizun said that Light Orbs signify the Presence of Universal Divinities or Buddhas & Boddhisattvas. 
Can these be present if Lotuschef is not cultivating as per Shizun's teaching?
Fashi LY alleged that Lotuschef has lost Lineage Links to Guru, do you agree with him?
In Tantrayana, without Root Guru's Links to Universe, how does one connect with the Universe in the first place?
Of course when one has attained Buddhahood, then one is like Guru, and can link others to the Universe. 
Never ever Forget that You Need Root Guru!!! :)

Shizun asked you to : Use what is asked here and go read Articles from this blog over again. Armed with a Discerning mindset, and also the "No Birth/No Death" mentality as well, From Where did the Karmic Negative arises? 

Who started them? 
Why start them?

As for claiming to have super-natural or spiritual power? Hahaha! 
Shizun said many times, Dharma power comes with Yogic Union with Vajrasattva and Guru and then Yidams and Dharmapalas.
Didn't you hear these?
Dharma Power also cannot claimed to have, then have! 

You have to cultivate as per Shizun's instruction, you have to have the same mindset with chosen Yidams, you have to have relevant Abhiseka, you have to take refuge with the Right Guru or one that has Affirmed Path or Buddhahood,......

When you met all requirements, you too will be like Shizun!
Invoke Yidam at a thought; at the snap of his fingers; a mudra; .....

YES! Shizun said that cultivation is hard work. 
However, when you truly listen to Shizun and succeeded in Yoga with Him, you have found the Key and everything becomes Easy! 

Lotuschef like to play and is most happy during Fire Offering sessions; please go spend your time Fruitfully too and don't give me attributes like Core did! 

Disharmony? Pure Hatred? Disrupt harmony of Sangha Assembly?  
Shizun said you need to arm yourselves with 4 Noble Truths; 12 Affinities; 6 Paramitas; first, before you attempt to move into Vajrayana.
Have you all these? 
If not, go start learning them now.
Don't waste your time and also mine anymore, please.

Cheers all

From now on, you can go ahead and hurl insults and whatever at Lotuschef, But karma is your own! 
I have plenty of assignments and really no time to waste it playing with you. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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