
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wearing down One's Root Guru! [2]


06/01/2013 The Hevajra Practice by Grand-Master Lu - Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple

Dear all, I did a brief summary of the above speech.

You can use these links to watch them and gather your own information.

Guru said to expound Hevajra's practice took about 5 years.
To expound the Maha Perfection 9 stages, needs about 5 times as much.
That is about 25 years!

Guru said he won't live that long to finish this one.

Question: As a Living Buddha, Guru can choose to live as long as he likes, concur?

What we see is Core's members, the so-proclaimed care-givers, wearing down the Physical Body or Shell of a Living Buddha, agree?

Remember the times when Guru commented that he was very tired from the Hong Kong trip and he just wants to sleep?

This year at huangti temple, he said he grab a stool and sleep in the toilet for Half an hour for a much needed rest!

The entertainment of dinners that over-spilled into lunches, snatching away much needed time for afternoon naps!

Dear all, if you truly love your Root Guru, please stop all these or do something to those that are reaping money in exchange for Guru's presence or attendance!

These are selfish acts of small group of students who think that they need Personal attention from Guru and they were educated by those that have yet to Yoga, that you don't need to cultivate but can get from Guru, very auspicious!

All these selfish and greedy acts are Detrimental to Guru's physical health and serves all No Good in the long run.

If you all Truly and Sincerely wants Guru to stay long in this realm. don't just mouth words for external show only, DO SOMETHING NOW!

If I am Guru, waking up as he said at 4:30am daily without fail, then cultivating then writing and drawing.... everything done leisurely at his own pace, he will be more than willing to stay as long as we wish in this realm,to continue to share with us all his knowhow and guide us to cultivate to Buddhahood.

BUT, sentient mindset wants to sell Guru for self enrichment, to fill their pockets!

Keep in mind that as long as you organize private meetings with Guru thinking to be up close to Curu, thinking you can get more blessing from Guru this way, thinking you put yourself in the limelight for all to look up to; YOU ARE ACTUALLY SEVERING WISDOM LIVES OF OTHERS AS PER CORE!

You also indirectly murder a Buddha by wearing down his physical body!

Think and consider well before you ACT!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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