
Friday, June 21, 2013

Nyingma – The Nine Yanas 宁玛派 -圆满九次第 [8]


Vajrasattva and Vimalakirti transmitted these tantras to King Ja and he passed them on to Siddha Kukuraja and thereafter they passed to gNubs-chen Sangs-rgyas Ye-shes one of Padmasambhava’s 25 disciples. 

gNubs-chen taught Anuyoga throughout Tibet and the lineage of transmission remains unbroken to this day. Approximately 22 of these tantras exist in the rnying ma'i rgyud 'bum.


The three mandalas of: Kuntuzangmo, the unborn dharmadhatu (dByings skye med kun tu bzang mo’i dkyil ’khor); whose unobstructed skillful means of luminosity is the mandala of Kuntuzangpo, the yeshe wisdom (Ye.shes kun tu.bzang po’i dkyil ’khor); and their inseparable union is the mandala of Great Bliss their son (Sras bde ba chen po’i dkyil ‘khor).


Practice of the path of liberation (Grol lam) visualising all phenomena and beings as the mandala of deities and the path of skilful means for example the shes rab wisdom completive phase or meditating on the channels, air and essence. 

Inherent wisdom is developed by skillful means.



The body of Great Bliss is achieved in one lifetime.

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