
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lotuschef on Collective Karma - Perpetrators of Mass Destruction

148 forest hot spots detected in Indonesia's Riau province

Above: Both pictures taken at same location on 15 May and 18 June.

To all the perpetrators of these Fires and the resultant damages to Lives all over, these massive harm cause to all forms of lives are what is Collective Karma!

What is Collective Karma and its effects?

When Tsunami hit where you all are at the same spot and at the same time, sweeping all of you away and drowning all of you by Suffocation, as you made others Suffocate with Pollutants you manufactured intentionally for your own benefits, disregarding the welfare of others!

The insects, worms, .... all creatures burnt to death also Live forms!

This is Massive Killing by Burning Others Alive or Suffocating Others Alive!

Stop this Mass Murder and Destruction to Mother Nature NOW!

Lama Lotuschef

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