
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lotuschef in Let’s all Pray for Rain!

Terjemahan Indonesia: Mari Kita Semua Berdoa Demi Turunnya Hujan!

Yes! I am praying for Rain.

Invoke Guru - chant mantra after you request Guru's help.

Then Invoke Avalokiteshvara with the Vase n willow sprig.

Make request that she sprinkles Pure Dew to douse fire n also wash away the pollutants in the Air.

Also request that she continues for 3 days or till all fires are out and air return to normal level or purer than normal levels.

You can continue to chant mantra n visualize she sprinkles pure dew to douse fires n cleanse air in the form of heavy rain!


Go do it!  :)

O! If you have relevant Abhiseka from Guru for Maha Mayura, you can also try the method Guru taught to request for Rain!

Of course, yoga with Guru is a basic requirement before you can invoke Maha Mayura!

Applies to Avalokiteshvara too! :)

However, if you are Sincere and True enough, Avalokiteshvara with her utmost compassion for all beings will help you!

Cheers all & Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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