
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - True or False?




世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟

Translated summary:

Core asked Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng: If ordained personnel do not accept <Core> humble advice repeatedly. Because they FEEL that they are ordained by Guru and only listen to Guru.

Guru said: IF reverend DO NOT ABIDE RULES OF SECTOR, RESULTING IN ORDAINED GROUP BEING AFFECTED, Core can remove their Reverend status!


Hi all, I have told them I will bring a defamation case against core
chairman n members!
Let us see how they twist!!
The other one about asking guru is also fake and they use to justify
their actions.
so they are faking lots to cover up!
the contents of Leave TBS when presented to Court, will show how
stupid they are and their intention just to harm me!

Lets see how far they can physically cover this from Guru! They need to learn a new lesson.

Does the letter mean that you're also prohibited to attend any event hosted by GM?

Read the translation?
Just alleged I post articles bad for TBS' image n affects lots of
sentient beings, which surely include them!

then they said they asked Guru n alleged guru said remove such an
errant n disobedient person from fashi status!!!

No one can remove a fashi as this fashi has already took the vows of

only sentient beings think like them: don't like you, get rid of you!
the wordings are stupid too!

anyway, this is good in that it will show all those true yogi n those
with wisdom of discernment and knows the truth

also they make public how stupid they are and how mean n vicious they
are when you don't obey!!!

did they say the actual fact to Guru? hahaha, i wonder even if they are truly asking SZ. SZ wont agree to such thing one, He will ask in detail for sure. 

therefore, they acted without guru's permission!
They also faked guru's words!!!



YES! Guru will surely ask for Details before any actions!

Guru also will not easily agree with their views too! 

In all these, Core's members and Chairman, as usual, Forget that Shizun is a Living Buddha!!!


That's why can take legal actions against them for using TBS' for their own personal vendettas!!!

Cheers all. 

Shizun is a True Living Buddha which most in Core forget or don't comprehend what a Living Buddha is and capable of! :) 
I have a mind to show up in London or Seattle and talk to Shizun in sight of all!!!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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