
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lotuschef at Play – Rumors & Lies

Guru said that the very beginning of the 9 Yanas is Hinayana.
In this stage, the very basic requirement is Not to Hurt Anyone!


Have you Hurt anyone?
Consciously or Unconsciously?


I heard another fantastic rumor or lie today upon my arrival home this evening.

The TCM doctor actually managed to cause the shijie to worry by saying that Lotuschef charges SGD 1800 per session for Fire Puja!


This shijie thought her son or daughter paid this amount to Lotuschef every Saturday to cultivate Fire puja!!!

This is a word of caution to all that do not get their facts RIGHT & Lie or fabricate their own to slander and defame others, to their own benefits, or for their own selfish purpose to satisfy their own whims and fancies, DO NOT CONTINUE TO TELL LIES AS IT WILL AFFECT ONLY YOUR OWN CREDITABILITY only!

What if Lotuschef or Pure Karma or the Shijie goes to TCM and Medical Authority to lodge a complaint against you for lying to mislead, slander or defame anyone!

For your information, all medical professionals have Integrity and Honesty and Trustworthiness!
Don't be the black-sheep!
You can easily be delisted by the Medical Board or Authority!

YES! Karma is always One's Own!
Bear this firmly in MIND!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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