
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - Mr Tok Chef at it again!!! Hahaha!

Mr Tok Chef had lot of Fun again yesterday!!!

5 June 2013
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "一皈依是皈依根本上師 宗委會是依止根本上師旨意管理真佛組織8:20pm
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "一皈依是皈依根本上師 宗委會是依止根本上師旨意管理真佛組織8:20pm
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post4:31pm
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post3:16pm
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "【宗委會訊】 ..." 3:01pm
Tok Chef (friends with Master Zhen) commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "【宗委會訊】 ..." 3:01pm

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
【宗委會】通告 《宗委會》請示根本上師蓮生活佛:若出家法師,不肯受《宗委會》的勸導,屢勸不聽。因為他們覺得自己是師尊剃度的,只聽從師尊的。 師尊示諭:若法師不能遵守宗派的條例,而影響了整個僧團,《宗委會》有權力解除他們法師的資格! ...

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
Dear fashe there is nothing wrong with your Leave TBS what Dear Fashi, i am one of those that being motivated by your 直言不讳[unafraid of speaking the Truth] articles. So, we will able to "see" 什么是对,什么错![what is right and what ...
Tok Chef 一皈依是皈依根本上師

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
Maitreya Boddhisattva Four Heavenly Kings on each face of this pillar. My buddy, Boddhidharma! The First Zen Patriach of the Eastern Zen lineage. The Zen lineage from Sakyamuni Buddha onwards. Mahayana From the ...

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
This is Pure Karma's premises in Virtual Dimension! :) Student YQ "builds" it and Student HL dreamt of it! What uncanny coincidence!!! :) Why do we cultivate? Guru told us the purpose of cultivation many times. The ...
The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
The Truth is often too hard to swallow! The following links are announcement posted by Core and the links were email by a fellow student half an hour ago. [[Hi fashi, Core release the news today. We will continue with you and ...
Tok Chef 蓮廚,還不醒?沒相應還講相應。。。?
Tok Chef 枉我在台雷供養過你。。。。

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
The Pratyekabuddhas ‘Independent buddhas’ (rang rgyal-ba’i theg-pa), from the orthodox Nyingma viewpoint of the Nine Yanas attain a ‘limited’ realisation without relying on a teacher in the current lifetime, though he/she may have had teachers in ...

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
The Hinayana The term Hinayana can be used to refer to non-Mahayana schools in general, but it is not used in this way in this context. The Hinayana follows the path of renunciation as taught by the Buddha

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
Westerners approaching Buddhism for the first time are often confused by what seem to be contradictions between the assertions and views of one teacher compared with other Buddhist teachers. This is perhaps all the more surprising as they ...

The Collection of Writings and Journals by Lotuschef Lama [ 释莲廚 ] - Student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng 圣尊莲生活佛门下弟子. Om Guru Lian-Sheng Siddhi Hom. 嗡。咕嚕。蓮生。悉地。吽!
201361日聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥開講「喜金剛法要義」-西雅圖雷藏寺 06/01/2013 The Hevajra Practice by Grand-Master Lu - Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple Dear all, I did a brief summary of ...
Tok Chef 【宗委會訊】



Tok Chef 囘頭是岸。懺悔吧。佛菩薩諸尊不曾捨棄你。
Tok Chef 【宗委會】通告


師尊示諭:若法師不能遵守宗派的條例,而影響了整個僧團,《宗委會》有權力解除他們法師的資格!...See More
Tok Chef 枉我供養過你。。。。
Yesterday at 3:16pm · Like

These are legal evidence that Tok Chef provided YET AGAIN!

Their contents???

More than enough to proof Hostile Intention and Criminal Intent not far off, with all previous Evidences that he has already provided!

22 May 2013

  • Tok Chef posted on Lotuschef Lama's timeline: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 11:10am

  • Tok Chef commented on Lotuschef Lama's post: "我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。" 11:09am

These evidenced Tok Chef is hinting at Core's action, means he has advance knowledge of Core's action or the decision maker of Core, which is our #2!!!

Body Speech Mind is not to be overlooked!

Hahaha! He alleged that Lotuschef has not yet Yoga but falsely claimed has Yoga!!!

Does he knows what is True Yoga?
Does anyone for that matter in Core knows?

Guru said: All these masters, [ waving a sweeping hand and glance at all sitting with him on stage]. have yet to Yoga with ME!

There are plenty of Documentary proof of Guru's statements!

There are also lots of documentary evidences provided by Tok Chef, Core and Lian Ning, on many occasions!

I will get approval from Guru before I tell you what I am about to do next!!!

Meantime, have Fun and continue to promote Lotuschef!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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