
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - 误导 Misled

The combined brilliance of the Golden Lotus Throne and the Golden Mani Gem! Brings great wisdom and joy to all beholders!

AA: Fashi, HH said you advised him to chant 108 times of 100 syllable mantra daily.
He can do this in about 20minutes.

[Guru somehow teach me how to read HH's aura from his facebook profile picture. He needs to chant more 100 syllable mantra to purify self as well as share with all.
Yes! Works for HH very very well!]

Hahaha! Today Guru demonstrated how he chant mantra daily. :)
Also talks about doing 9-steps breathing as essential to Meditation.

BB: CC and I went to consult ZZ when he was in town. ZZ told CC that as he has been cultivating 4 Preliminaries for quite some time, he can proceed to practice Guru Yoga.

CC actually got worse or from heeding VM ZZ's advice!


Well, yet another student misled by Titles and external Form!

I am not as some would say "At it again"!
Means I am criticizing those veteran VMs that are amongst the pioneer students of Guru.

There really is a very deep problem that needs to have roots put out, in order to truly help sentient beings. These veterans think that they are "seniors" or have been with Guru almost from the beginning!

They think that as they have cultivated the required numbers of sessions for particular yidams, means that they AUTOMATICALLY Yoga!!!

Dear readers, I am sure you know this is not TRUE!

Well, Guru recently teaches all how to chant Amitabha Buddha's title!
You need to do it with much concentration and visualization to be EFFECTIVE!

Likewise cultivating Sadhanas!

I was told must do 200 sessions of certain yidams, then can move on!

Well, whoever has this idea, has yet to successfully YOGA!

The numbers given by Guru is a promise from Guru that he will help you if you do these Numbers with the required Mindset sincerely and diligently, not just making up the required figures!

You are cheating yourself if you think as long as you churn these "Preset Numbers", you will Yoga!

WHY Four Preliminaries?
It is also call "Vajrasattva's Repentance Sadhana"!

Guru already stress many times that we all need to cleanse or purify our karmic influences first, in order to cultivate successfully.

Cultivating Four Preliminaries CORRECTLY, will do this.
Also remember that we chant 108 times of Guru's mantra before entering into the Vajrasattava's practice proper.

You can already Yoga with Guru once you do Visualization, Mudra and Mantra of Guru at this juncture.

A student asked me in Ipoh, can we cultivate Vajrasattva and Root Guru as yidam jointly?
Our Yidams for that session:- Padmakumara & Vajrasattva!

Hahaha! Why ask such a question?

Just remembered that Guru remarked that the VMs are good at fabricating the images of Yidams for events!

Know what this means? :)
They actually didn't respect Guru at all, and just go ahead and fabricated images of Yidams without deferring to Root Guru and the one giving the Abhiseka too!

Dear all, please stick to Four Preliminaries Practice, as this will enable you to reach Nirvana eventually, with regular diligence in cultivation.

NUMBERS are not the Key to Yoga!

Don't let Titles and those Actors fool you or Mislead you from the path that Guru set to help you!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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