Friday, June 14, 2013
Lotuschef at Play – Body Speech Mind 身口意 [6]
A student, AA, went to consult a TCM practitioner that she frequents.
He started to talk about Lotuschef being sack and now a shijie…….[adding his own take and his opinion of Lotuschef.] :)
AA told him that people are too narrow-minded and really made judgment on Lotuschef without truly knowing Lotuschef and the whole Truth about what Core has done.
She went on to say that she gets healthier after cultivating with Lotuschef, and her visits to the doctors also decreased tremendously from 3-4 times a week to once a month!
She also said lots of light orbs always captured on photos at each session.
[She actually can see them!]
The Doctor went on to tell her that now Lotuschef is a shijie, no light orbs will appear from now on!
[Well, seen some of the photos from 8 June’s session in Medan? There are orbs in abundance on that session about 3days after Core’s announcement to remove Lotuschef from TBS’ reverend register!]
What’s wrong with this TCM practitioner?
He is son of a reverend who took refuge in Guru and gave up his gangster’s occupation!
The reverend is uneducated and still very loud, and fierce looking and pretty uncompromising now.
I recalled he loudly told me after a white matter chanting session that “Who say cultivating 4 preliminaries can attain Buddhahood?”.
He was sighted yelling at his son and family in Medan, at the hotel where they were staying, where Guru also staying during 2011 visit to Medan!
His business from AA also dwindled down as her health improved from sincere and diligently cultivation and of course, most important of all, Guru’s blessing!!!
Dear all, you see here a “doctor” slandering Lotuschef probably from Conflict of Interest, as clients, hahaha! Not patients, get healthier from cultivation and lessen their visits to him!
His father, a fellow reverend of TBS, doesn’t seem to draw the same popularity as Lotuschef.
Remember: All is due to Karma of your own from past and present deeds of your very own Body Speech Mind.
Do not blame anyone for your own “misfortune”!
Hahaha! But what do you classify as “misfortune”!
Your learned skills and your life experiences are UNIQUE to you only!
No one can steal them from you!
Likewise, Cultivation also your own and no one can steal any from you!
What Core has done therefore created confusion to those who really have no idea what exactly is behind Core’s action against Lotuschef, but most of them made their own conclusion from rumors or hearsay!
Truth doesn’t seem to matter to Core and most of TBS students too?
Just after I took refuge, many fellow Buddhist friends from Mahayana temple where I do voluntary work at, told me that TBS and their Guru have lots of bad history.
My brother that took refuge in TBS about 15 years ago, broke away because of these rumors/hearsay!
He rejoined after my ordination, and also his whole family took refuge together.
Core’s announcement seems to blame everything on Lotuschef, that is only with TBS for less than 5 years of refuge. While the bad-reputation already in place well before Lotuschef take refuge.
O! To be more specific, Lotuschef took refuge with Living Buddha Lian Sheng and also ordained by Him.
Cheers all.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef
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