
Monday, June 3, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - 身口意 Body Speech Mind [4]

Red is Amitabha Buddha's color, denoting the Wisdom of Discernment.

This Lotuschef is leisurely having a Heart to Heart chat with the Golden Butterfly! 

Let us look at this statement posted by Core, alleged to be from Guru, minutely and from another hilarious angle, shall we? :)



8. It is only right that Guru reprimands those students that have done wrong. Students that breach Samaya vows/disciplines; are left to Dharmapalas to enforce disciplines, causing these errant students to be dropped into Vajra Hell upon their demise.

The Fun Begins, let journey through these and remember to apply your knowledge of Buddha Dharma along the way. :)

Dear fellow travelers, know what characteristics Dharmapalas have?

Their origin and their purpose?

For those wise ones out there, I guess you got part of the direction of this trip! :)

Now Samaya are between the Root Guru and the individual student! 
Let us make this point very clear.

The writer of the above statements seem to be unaware of what Samaya truly is, concur?

I remember reading one of Guru's article stating that for those that stole or unauthorized use what he shares which requires personal Abhiseka, Dharmapalas will deal with them.

Lets recap what "tok chef" said about the reverend that Guru conferred name of Lian Jie or Lotus Discipline and as per "tok chef", Guru has the wisdom and foresight to see that he will repeatedly breach disciplines! 

"Tok Chef" obviously has yet to Yoga too! he is also mocking Guru here! His is ridiculing Guru, saying as a Buddha with Great wisdom and foresight, yet let your students repeatedly breach disciplines! 
In Similar veins, "tok chef" also mock Guru with gifting the name of Lotuschef and Pure Karma! 

Great guy??? 

Question: Would a Buddha wants to let anyone drop into Hell or even worse, Vajra Hell?

Question: Would Dharmapalas watch and wait patiently, while anyone breach Samaya, without extending a Saving Hand? 

Question: Does Tok Chef and the writer of the above statements knows that Dharmapalas are derivatives of Buddhas & Boddhisattvas and their existence all for purpose of succoring sentient beings?

Question: Do you all agree that Tok chef and Core's author of the discipline statements  seem too ready to sentence those they consider errant to Vajra Hell?

Would you all agree that Tok Chef & Core's author might feel lonely in Vajra Hell and think to "recruit" more members to join them? 

Do you agree that their mindset makes Dharmapalas very busy too?

Hahaha! O! making Mara busy still not enough, but add Dharmapalas too!!!

Also they try to fill Vajra Hell and Hell and make my buddy, Ksitigarbha, busy as well!!! :)

Goodness Gracious!!!

When you are at one with Guru or any Yidam in Body Speech Mind, then you YOGA! 

Cheers all.

Remember: Your Body Speech Mind is YOU! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef 

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