
Friday, June 28, 2013

Guru on Nose Exercises

殊勝的是,此次傳法 蓮生法王再增加了一個「鼻子的運動」,就是靠九節佛風,用完全呼吸到達丹田,甚至到達腳底、腳趾。持之以恆的修持,將來能以皮膚呼吸,胎氣呼吸。

This one GM teaches in London.

[Additional one for Nose exercise.
Using the 9-steps method, breathing in completely to arrive at
Dantian, even to the sole of foot and toes.
Prolong cultivation, will result in skin being able to Breathe, Womb too.]

Isn't these in my initial breathing exercise to relax and spread "Light Around" before cultivation proper?

Dear all,
If you read Pure Karma's compilation of 4 Preliminaries, what Guru teaches in London about Nose Exercises is not alien to you, correct?

Also opening all SKIN PORES to "Breathe out"! 

:) :) :)

Click on MEDIA CENTER selection in our blogs and you can find the Sadhana that we have compiled.

Have fun cultivating!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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