
Sunday, June 23, 2013

22-6-2013 Fire Puja In Celebration of Guru's Birthday [1]

Yidams: Padmakumara & Great Auspicious Vajra

Participants: 60

SINGAPORE: Singaporeans were greeted with blue skies on Saturday afternoon after days of unhealthy and hazardous PSI levels.
The day's three-hour reading reached a high of 326 at 10am before dropping to 73 at 5pm and 6pm, the lowest recorded for the day.

The Haze was somehow very cooperative and at the week's low of 73 and at about 80 when we finished packing up!

Isn't Guru great and Amazing?

Many have to cancel their scheduled events because of the Haze & its potential health risk to all.

We captured Light Orbs before the event yesterday! :)

Photos: Courtesy of Lotus Helen.


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