
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TBS' first affirmed Living Buddha!

TBS' first affirmed Living Buddha!!Reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva.

English Translation: Lama Lotuschef

刘兴祥Irene LamSuki Wong Sook Wah and 9 others like this.

Chai Kok Chin 地藏王唔系地獄未空势不成佛咩, 咁那来成佛也?
Didn't Ksitigarbha vowed not to attain Buddhahood before Hell is empty, therefore from where derives Buddhahood?

21 hours ago via mobile · Like

Chai Kok Chin 系咪只可说活菩萨。。。。
If so, only can termed Living Boddhisattva only.....

21 hours ago via mobile · Like

Lam Yew Sin 佛菩萨可以化身各种相和在不同的空间度众生。请查阅普门品,经里有如此记载。
Buddhas & Boddhisattvas can transform into all forms to succor sentient beings in different time frames. Please read Lotus Sutra, for within these are documented.

19 hours ago via mobile · Like

Lam Yew Sin 在佛眼里,佛与众生一如。活佛或活菩萨岂有分别?
In eyes of Buddha, Buddha and Sentient beings are One & the Same. Living Buddha or Living Boddhisattva where to derive differentiation?

19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1

Chai Kok Chin 如果佛和菩萨系冇分别, 咁地藏王菩萨又咁择着依个"佛"字?
If there is no difference between Buddhas & Boddhisattvas, then why Ksitigarbha Boddhisattva still Fixated about the term "Buddha"?

5 hours ago via mobile · Like

Reverend, what views do you have on the above?

我想我的答案 - 只要开悟的修行者应该都会给你答案,或朝众生皆有佛性、平等、一如去思考,
I think my answers - only enlightened cultivators should be able to give you answers, or geared towards all beings have Buddha Nature, Equal, Similar, to contemplate.

I believe you can find the answer.

Amituofo. Hahahahahaha

Reverend: You too free go answer them! These are the jealous ones!

When Buddhas & Boddhisattvas reincarnate they are addressed as - Living Buddha!

Guru said Rinpoche!

He, Living Buddha, only adheres to Guru's guidance!

That is his Pure Innocence, Immovable stance, gives all sentient beings looking at him a gush of Joyful Happiness and inexpressible hope.
This then is Buddha and Boddhisattva!

Even not speaking can also silently bless all sentient beings!

Buddha then how? Boddhisattva then how?

This is unlike what most VMs transmit outwards of the 3 Poisons of Greed, Aversion, Ignorance. 
No Pride or Arrogance.

Enlightenment is basically not important!

He gives all those sentient beings with affinity, infinite and unbiased blessing, 
enabling all to feel universal caring.


[地獄未空势不成佛] - 
[not to attain Buddhahood before Hell is empty,]

Lets ponder a little while from another angle!

One who can attain Buddhahood At Will, can choose to be Infinitely Compassionate Boddhisattva, possible?

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