
Friday, May 17, 2013

神奇疗术 Miraculous Healing?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Penyembuhan yang Ajaib

Look at the above and most attendees of these sessions, have seen marked improvement in their health and career, as well as daily life.

How is this possible? :)

Being immersed in Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng's , blessing empowerment constantly!!!

The Principal Yidam in all our Fire Puja events Is Padmakumara, Living Buddha Lian Sheng!

In Tantrayana, only one's Root Guru is needed to link one to the Entire Universe and Universal Divinities! :)

Only Root Guru's mantra is needed too, when we are helping those with problems or illness or discomforts!

YES! That simple!

Well, I "beam" light into a certain lady standing by my side on the EUFF opening night, after the show.
Smiling at her, I told her please stand still for a moment.
Then I lightly tapped her on her left shoulder and told her, "It's done!". :)
I told her she is dull and probably too tired.

She told me she felt something, but can't describe.
She said she is much more alert and filled with energy now.

Just chanting Guru's mantra, direct you gaze at the subject you want to help.
Beam light from your "3rd-eye chakra", until you see the dullness fading away and gone.

As to how?
You need to master 9-steps breathing techniques before I will share with you how.

YES! 9 Steps Breathing again and again!!!
I am getting naggy and boring!!!

Give me 9-steps breathing & I will give you the keys to this type of sharing light energy!!!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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