
Friday, May 10, 2013

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Cultivating or Not?

When then do you positively know you are truly Cultivating or Not? :)

LC to AA: Why do you shut yourself in at least 5 times a day in cultivation?

AA: I am very senior and from what you shared with me, I have a better understanding of what Guru is teaching us all along. I need to keep up and cultivate to succor myself fast and upgrade too!

LC: O! 
[Shizun, shall I tell AA what's retarding him?]

LC: Have you heard of the 4th stage of yoga, called No Cultivate Yoga?
Shizun said in this stage, one is perceived by others as crazy because your actions of mind speech & body are just NOT NORMAL to them.
大智若狂! Great Wisdom as if Crazy! 

LC: Do you see me cultivating as frequently as you?

AA: No! But you are different.

LC: Hahaha! No, I am not different, just lazy only!

AA: You are different really. You can explain many things to me!

LC: Ok. Thanks. Now back to "No Cultivate Yoga". Remember I shared with you to sit in a crowded place and visualize merging with Guru? Then You visualize that you start to light up like a light bulb, and you radiate light outwards to share with all, whether visible or invisible! 

Who are you now?
What are you doing?

AA closed his eyes and tested out my sharing. He then opened them later and said that he felt real good! 

Dear all,
Can you answer the 2 questions above?

Others cannot see you cultivating.
You are sharing universal energy with all without differentiation and discrimination, and this is Boddhicitta, a vital part of all Buddhas & Boddhisattvas, correct? :)

The ability to share light and transform into light are part of Mahamudra already, concur?

What others can or cannot see really doesn't matter an iota to you, correct?

They said you are mad, crazy, .... because you understand something they just can't even have any idea about. So you are different and you must be crazy! Hahaha!

If they but know it, you are, to quote #2's words; into Topmost stage of Yoga already.

O! for those that keep on scolding me and ridiculing me, if you read the above technique and use them consciously or unconsciously, STOP creating Negative Karma of scolding your teacher!!!

Yes! learning anything from me, makes me your teacher!!!


I heard that Core's members going to ask Guru to expound Maha Perfection of 9 Vehicles after he finishes Hevajra Pracitces. 

AA reacted with: Hah! That's thats Level 16 Boddhisattva and Deep stage too for ATI Yoga! 
They can't even touch Level 1! Crazy! 

Guru told me more than once that he can share or teach but only the ones that have affinity will understand and able to practice & apply/use!
Of course, Use for benefit of all sentient beings!!! :)

For those that will eventually be able to use these sharing of Guru, you have to thank those greedy ones for making such a request on  your behalf! Hahaha.......

In Cultivation, it is never Quantity BUT Quality!
Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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