
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Falsehood & Lies

Light Orbs as per Guru, are Mandalas of Divinities!
Can one lie about their presence? :)

Recently, a person using a False identity call Tok Chef, wrote chunks of comments into Pure Karma's [Lama Lotuschef] Facebook comment boxes.

It is really sad that someone would go to the extend to open a new Facebook account to "Hit" at Pure Karma and Lotuschef.

Well, an interesting one is that he said that Lotuschef lied to the non-chinese literate or English only fellow students of Grandmaster Lu.

1. He wrote these in Chinese, but he unknowingly revealed that he has been reading blog articles not only in Chinese but also in English from PKV & Lotuschef blogs.

2. He has a difference of Opinion to the contents of both blogs!

3. He again revealed another part of himself - He Assumed that all are like him and his gang members! He assumed that readers won't go and do further research into topics I shared or Guru shared!

Dear all,
If you can read articles from my blogs, that means you can also go surf for more information online as well, agree? :)

Tok Chef is used to feeding his gang with HIS OWN BRAND of information and expect no question ask! :) Hahaha!

A Dictative and Control freak?

This person is full of pride; ego; greed; aversion; hatred; ignorance; falsehood......, agree?

O! He also demands Answers to his "missiles"!


The Fun Begins?

Well, he has lots of "fun" venting his wrath on Lotuschef and Pure Karma!

Frankly speaking, how many of you thought that we are having Fun playing with Tok Chef?

Always remember to "Look from more than One Angle]. :)

We are happy to see Tok Chef enjoying himself and being so "high" and Happy!

We are also happy that the series of [The Fun Begins] led Tok Chef along the Path that only his mindset can trot upon.

A Buddha see all and know all.

A diligent student of Buddha should also be able to have a degree of these qualities too, agree? :)

Turn your back on Falsehood now.

We suggest you apologize as soon as possible too!

Open your mind and understand that NOT ALL THINK LIKE YOU!

What are the requisites to Guru Yoga? :)
Guru spoke about all these again recently.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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