
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Lotuschef in Betraying Buddha?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Mengkhianati Buddha?

"Judas, are you betraying the son of man with a kiss?"
Luke (22:47–48)

The student that told me to get endorsement for everything I do, also told me to give in to Core's demands to change my article to satisfy them!

I told him if I do that, then I will be betraying Buddha!

Well, it is too sad that NO ONE in Core seem to understand the "Leave TBS..." series of articles!
However, their excuses were many students reflected their lack of comprehension and as per Core's view, these will result in Severing Wisdom Lives of those that don't understand the articles!


I maintained that if anyone don't understand what I have written, isn't it the practice to refer to One's Root Guru first, instead of launching a Suppression drive to show their misguided importance.

Moreover, they are beside Guru all the time & preventing others from getting close to Guru!

Hilarious Behaviour!

Sentient mindset is really that predictable!
When the opponent is perceived as Formidable, you give in to surive!

However, Buddha Dharma & Application like the Keys from Diamond Sutra, as per Guru, can eliminate the Indestructibility of the Vajra!

Eventually, One realized how to apply the Void & the Form to succor sentient beings!

Aggression is never Buddha's way!

Therefore, #2 is really not a True or Authentic Buddha's student, agree?

Deploying two VMs to deliver an envelop & one that think I will listen to her again, is very delusional too!

Enlightenment as per Guru is very simple!

But delusion is definitely not it!

You can be floating in delusion but do you understand there is {XX} in {Void}?

Well, Guru said key to enlightenment is within Hevajra Practices that he has explained in detail, find it!

O! If you are reincarnations of any Buddha or Boddhisattva, perhaps you can turn a "switch" and Voila, you return to the Buddha or Boddhisattva stage easily, without going through Basics to Build Crucial Foundations!!!


Whats Next?

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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