
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - Tok Chef questioned Greed 贪?

Nice things that gives joy to the Beholder. :)

But Money?



05/19/2013 The Hevajra Practice by Grand-Master Lu - Rainbow Temple

These are Guru's speech recorded in Chinese & Translated to English on the spot.

YES! Lets talk $$$. 

Tok Chef questioned that I propagate Dharma on Guru's behalf or to succor and free sentient beings' Wisdom Lives, OR for your own pocket? He instructed me to feel my heart/conscience before I answer!

These are under Lotuschef at Play - The Fun Begins

Tok Chef 我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。
Like · Reply · Saturday at 5:26pm

Tok Chef 你為師尊弘真佛密法,你為眾生解脫的慧命弘法,還是你為自己的口袋而弘法?摸摸自己的良心再答吧!
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:42pm

Tok Chef 所以,在座的跟在世界上真佛宗的法師,居然連一位寫文章上真佛護法園地的統統沒有。摩利支天跟我講:「你用這個來測試大家,測試所有法師的向心力,所有弘法人員的向心力,你就知道了人的心是甚麼樣的心。」
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:37pm

Tok Chef 你們在座的法師,有沒有寫過一篇文章登在「真佛護法園地」的?有的請舉手。上師不算,上師已經是阿闍梨了。你們現在都沒有一個人舉手。欸?怎麼沒有聲音?我告訴你喔!我們真佛宗在全世界有五百多位的法師,跟你們坐在那裡是一律平等,沒有一個人寫過護師護教的文章,一個都沒有。所以,很簡單的講,你們請佛住世是做甚麼?你們請師尊長壽,是在做甚麼?不是活著挨打,不是活著挨罵,不是活著被虎咬。五百多位法師,居然連一位出手都沒有。現在有一位上師講,她知道有一位法師有寫,但是真佛護法園地的版主沒有將它登出來,這就作為未來的觀察,留校察看。

Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:36pm

Tok Chef

大慈大悲 金剛不壞空智之果 《大樂中的空性──喜金剛講義》,第四十一章:「喜金剛十大講授」。    敬禮傳承祖師了鳴和尚、敬禮薩迦證空上師、敬禮十六世大寶法王噶...See More
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 1 · Saturday at 2:34pm

Tok Chef 有一個祕密,我稍微跟大家談一下,我們真佛宗有一個「真佛護法園地」,當初在開放的時候,我跟摩利支天祈禱,我說:「真佛護法園地裡,如果有法師寫上一篇護師護教的文章」,摩利支天就講:「那就請給予阿闍梨的位子。」也就是說其中如果有出家的法師,寫一篇文章放在「真佛護法園地」裡護師護教,摩利支天請求師尊給他/她阿闍梨的位子、上師的位子喔!
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:34pm

Tok Chef 通告
宗委會辦事處 謹啟
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:32pm

Tok Chef

通告 根本傳承上師聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥於四月十三日台灣雷藏寺摩利支天菩薩護摩法會宣布,新任的六位上師阿闍梨: 一、蓮伃上師。 二、蓮育上師。 三、蓮又上師。 四、蓮安上師。 五、蓮勤上師。 六、蓮僅上師。 謹此公告周知。 宗委會辦事處 謹啟 2013.4.13
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 1 · Saturday at 2:32pm


Tok Chef accused me of lying to those students that don't understand Chinese.
These are under Lotuschef at Play - The Fun Begins

Tok Chef 我祈請偉大的師尊佛光注照蓮廚法師的心,讓她懂她現在 發生何事,祈請真佛護法引蓮廚法師回歸正途。
Like · Reply · Saturday at 5:26pm

Tok Chef 不要再以見神見鬼來迷惑同門了,收手吧!囘歸正途。
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:55pm

Tok Chef 摩利支天菩薩說:「只要有一個法師的文章登在真佛護法園地,你就提升他為阿闍梨上師,一篇就可以了。」
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:51pm

Tok Chef 你講斗母菩薩都要到你的護摩法會放光了,奇怪的是斗母菩薩要師尊賜封投稿真佛護法園地的法師成上師
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:51pm

Tok Chef 不要再欺騙不懂華語的同門了!!!!
Like · Reply · 1 · Saturday at 2:47pm

Tok Chef

大慈大悲 金剛不壞空智之果 《大樂中的空性──喜金剛講義》,第四十一章:「喜金剛十大講授」。    敬禮傳承祖師了鳴和尚、敬禮薩迦證空上師、敬禮十六世大寶法王噶...See More
Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 1 · Saturday at 2:46pm



Dear all, look at the times the comments were posted on that day!

Our dear Tok Chef  has been very very busy posting what he wants to say on more than one article's comment boxes!!!

A person that sees $$$ and has been filling his pockets under the guise of propagating Dharma, can only sees all others like him and his competitors, concur?

O! he wielded the word "Wisdom Life" again too! A term it seems he and cronies don't understand at all.

Please go check out what I shared on Wisdom Life!

In Guru's speech, he said the student that won  USD 5,5 million of lotto has to hide and stay in lodgings behind Seattle Temple, [where all males lodgers and monk resides now].
The family were pursued by VMs and etc for their money and even the children also harassed in their respective schools. Guru said only Lian Ning & Teck Hui knows the family is taking refuge in Seattle temple initially. But words somehow got out and situation worsen.

Finally they bought a property and moved out. They dare not appear at temples and secretly send offering to Guru.

In the second case that won USD 1.6 billion, they told Guru secretly and everything was alright for this family.

Why do VMs think that they are entitled to share others' winnings?
Why hound the family until they have to go into hiding?
Who leak the information of who they are and where they are staying?

Hahaha! Well?
I remember writing that these happened to me too!

Seems the then reverend Lian Lai spread words around that I am from a Wealthy family!!!
Thanks to him, many other VMs and etc came to curry favor with me!

The Green lotus VM even became angry at me for not responding to his Financial woes and started to spread words around that I am Disrespectful towards him, a VM!

Well, I told Guru all these from time to time while we are chatting!
I also request that Guru do not confer the VM title on me.
He can choose to affirm me when I have cultivated to Affirm Path, but not earlier.


Question: When you Yoga with Guru, Who are you? :)
Question: When Sharpyinma sits into you, Who are you?

Yesterday, Guru said to Yoga with him, you Need Absolute Trust & Believe!
Do you have that?
Or too busy being Malicious with Criminal Intent to Harm others, that you perceived as Disobedient?


When you can't Yoga, of course you might only be able to see Ghosts or nothing at all!

However, if you read our blogs thoroughly, you might learn that with Diligence, you can also see what Guru sees all the time and not have to fake it and tell the gathering that "Today's event is very auspicious, all Fo Pusa also came."

If Guru is able to see and you negate anyone of his students, accusing them of bluffing or seeing ghosts; You already breach Discipline of Disrespect and Disbelieve in your Guru.

When You said that Guru gave appropriate name to Reverend Lian Jie, because Guru can see into his future that he will continue to breach Discipline,
Think: What are you implying?
Hahaha! You praised Guru's Foresight on One Hand & Detrimented his Ability to see and not be able to halt the repeated breaches of Discipline.
You think Guru will let that happen to anyone, whether they be his student or not?

See why, Pure Karma & Lotuschef want you to answer for your Criminal Intent?
You Hit at Our Beloved Root Guru and still persisted to do so!!!

Since you are going to answer for your crimes, a little more or less won't matter anymore, Right?Why don't you tell us why you think Guru conferred Lotuschef and Pure Karma to us?

Have Fun! Unload your bright ideas!

What if I were to tell you that I am the one that compiled Disciplines eons ago?
Just like recording the Diamond Sutra for posterity!

Read the [Who Am I?] series? More interesting ones to come! :)

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef

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