
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lotuschef at Play - The Fun Begins [2]

This is a brainstorming session or you can say Zen Dialogue if you like. :)

From Facebook comments:-

Tok Chef 師尊還接菩薩旨意封寫文章到“真佛護法園地” 的法師們為上師。?

Tok Chef 為什麽師尊還大讚:真佛護法園地:的護法精神?

Translated by Lama Lotuschef.

Tok Chef : Shizun also received Boddhisattva's directive to confer Vajramaster Titles to those reverends that wrote articles into "True Buddha Dharmapala Forum" .?

Why did Shizun Greatly praisely: "True Buddha Dharmapala Forum"'s Dharmapala's spirit?

Dear all, 
Listen to the speech by Shziun again & again please.

Is that your interpretation of Guru's statements? :)

I remember Guru said he JOKINGLY chatted with Marici Boddhisattva to see if any fashi will write an article in support of Root Guru and Buddhism. Not TBS only! 
Why expressly stressed Buddhism and not only TBS? :)

Of course Guru knows that NO ONE from the fashi pools will do so! 
He told me not to get into this Forum when the forum was only 4 days old.
He also told some other students the same.
I met another that also received this instruction from Guru on the 4 May 2013 in Taiwan Temple. This person is from Europe! 

So "tok chef" here is not accurate at all! 

"Question about [ilovegm] only and that Guru seemed to have endorsed it with marici. who should he listen to? Guru or me?

The Intelligence not present! its a frontal attack of an ignorant.

His take: Guru endorsed n you said they are bad guys!

Where did Guru said that they are good guys? Hahaha!

Guru said if any one fashi write in support of Guru & Buddhism in that Forum!
Means also no one with wisdom will go into that forum and write
something because the operators are no good!
In fact most know after a while, who is behind the Forum!!!

Many angles to have fun too!"

[Oh...maybe he should tell SZ directly there are others beside that website. Hahaha

Marici also showed the Dharma Chakra during our Homa. So... ha7..

Still very ignorant to centralize and control everything]

[Its too obvious the name with a 'chef'!
just started an account an hour after I posted the article!

extreme focus on the ilovegm forum]

[A true example of a funny fixation.]

To all with Ill intent and their lackeys, 
Guru said if you are too free and with nothing more fruitful to do, 
go listen to his Dharma speeches repeatedly until you really really understand what he wants to impart to you.

The Time you are wasting can be well use to chant more of Guru's mantra to shorten the distance between you and your Root Guru! 

So what if you do the bidding of someone blindly because you placed him/her in a place of authority and you gave this person control of your own destiny?

You only get further and further from your Root Guru only! :)

Of course, Choice is yours always!!!

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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