
Monday, May 13, 2013

Lotuschef as in Assignment from Guru

Early this year, Guru instructed to share my cultivation technique with 2 reverends.
One of them, didn't bother to cultivate and I completed my assignment with this one, by sharing what Guru wanted me to share.

Second one, BB, eager to learn and jotted down notes and asked lots of pertinent questions. :)

From the above pictures, notice that Buddha is depicted sitting on a Lotus Throne.

I asked BB, knowing and witnessing the current era in TBS, do you still want to be VM?

BB: Yes. If Guru will give the title to me!

On anther trip, recently, I was instructed to ask BB again whether he wants to be VM or not!

BB: I have though deep and I don't want to be VM anymore.

:) Viola! Guru said, now tell him.

I told him that he has to renounce something he has been craving for many years.
Also his wanting the title for showing those VMs that had suppressed and bullied him all these years that he also can become VM, intent not what Buddha will endorse.
He also has to have complete Faith & Trust in Guru to guide him along the Bodhi path.

All he needs is to cultivate diligently what I shared with him recently and always connect up with Guru, no matter what time and place.

He has to develop the habit of talking to Guru.

After telling me that he don't want the VM title anymore, he had a dream that night.

© Meubelenfabriek Anna Palowna
Guru said to him, you can sit on this throne if you wish to do so.
He look at the chair in question, and was shocked to notice that the chair is all rotten from the base.
It will definitely not support the weight of anyone!!!

Next day, BB told me that Guru showed him how rotten the throne that all craved and even go to the extent of "killing" each other for the chance to sit upon one!

I shared a story about sentient being seeing a pool of gold iggots but Buddha said that is poisonous snakes!

What is #2 trying to do to me?
He is using a non-existing authority to try and chase me out of this assembly?

He didn't hear Guru said that Support Guru and Buddhism as a whole?
Even if he use his usual ways and pronounce that I am not suitable to be in TBS, that is only his own personal opinion. :)

Yes! The series of actions that he instituted so far, showed he fears anyone that is Truly sharing True & Authentic Buddha Dharma! Something he and his team is sadly incapable to doing.

Pronouncing that anyone is not suitable in his personal view, does not mean we are not or cease to be student of Living Buddha Lian Sheng! Hahaha!

I asked many times during the Defamation Saga: Are you Buddha's student?

Wake up please!

What most of you are chasing is a mirage only and fabrications of your own demon!

What you all are doing, only hasten Guru to bring forth the pool of Living Buddhas with his pool of students only!

Those that play with Fire always gets burn and lethally too!

As I said before, I have yet to achieve Guru's standards of cool and calm.
If suddenly provoke, I am not sure what will be the resultant effect to the originators that evilly try to harm me, like you did to Guru!

In Sun Zi Art of War, it is always prudent to thoroughly understand your enemy before you launch any attack!
Have a good look at me and also yourself, think you can win any battle against this Joyful Yogi?

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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