
Thursday, May 9, 2013

解脱 Free Self [2]

These are the Central, Right & Left Channels that you have to "Open" for successful cultivation of 9-steps breathing. The Vital requisite to Inner Tantra!

 The following show Joy in Abundance!

These are practicing Inner Tantra?
Peaceful, Relax, and FREE!

Dear all, what can you pick up from these photos? :)

AA told me that using what I shared on 9-steps breathing, coupled with Treasure Vase practice, he is able to do both well. :)

However, this is not right! :)

For one that has yet to do 9-steps breathing practice well, Treasure Vase practice is Impossible!
AA remains Dull and has not much shine to his aura.

I am scarily discerning or AA and those like him are too muddled minded to remember that I can decipher your statements with 4 Noble Truths & its associating 8-Fold Noble Paths? :)

AA told me that BB, an Enlightened one, can practice Treasure vase well.
I said that BB has a rod-like blockage from nasal to heart chakra, so how to do Treasure vase practice well?

AA said that BB can use Buddha Duster pretty efficiently!
I told AA that I was the one that shared with BB how to draw and use this Astral Weapon.
I also told AA that I did repentance for teaching BB!
BB is using Buddha Duster but has No Energy or Power.

So all an act only, like Guru said, all students mimic his external practices when cultivating but almost none can understand the Internal practices, to cultivate well.

Dear all, are you willing to throw away what you learnt in the past in cultivation and Start Fresh?

Many concepts and etc. need to be comprehended before you can say you are cultivating, agree?

Still want to languish in your current semi-sleep stage?


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

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