
Monday, April 22, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Yoga & Yogi!

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Doing good things!
by Francesca Poon (Notes) on Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 4:31pm

Hi Fashi, some people thinks that by doing good things is good enough to be a human being? No need to cultivation or religious study. Strangely how come they are so positive by thinking this way? Please advise.

Haha! What is Good things??? What is cultivation & religious study???

People who are charitable & happy & CONTENTED with their lots & also making people around them happy - they are actually cultivating Resource Path which accumulate Merits for a healthy & wealthy life.

People who has found a path to stay happy & share this happiness with others without differentiation are already in the Boddhisattva level.

It is not strange that they are so positive at all. Knowing how to be happy & sharing with all & also giving charitably to help the less fortunate is all that is required.

Giving is not necessary to be in monetary forms. Sharing a happy smile or giving time to listen or extending a hand to help others cross a road & etc. That is enough.

If you are able to put a smile on one person's face daily. You have done a charitable act that day. Simple???

Cultivation or religious study - there are those that can memorised the sutra & etc. but do not know the meaning & how to merge them into daily life. They are wasting their time. One cultivate to be able to direct one's destiny or life & death, & later to help others with one's knowledge.

A person that cultivates well can help others just like a charitable person who goes round doing good things & sharing their resources with others.

The operative word is sharing & all has some properties of Boddhicitta.


Nititpong Wannasarit likes this.

Linus Hammarstrand I´d say it is fairly hard to truly do good without wisdom and stability, which you´ll only get from practice. Besides, doing good from a Buddhist perspective will create merit, but merit is also impermanent and what do we do when all the merit is exhausted? We are just back in a worse place than where we started...I think we should generate merit to support practice, not the other way around!
July 28, 2011 at 4:49pm · Like · 1

Callie Wong Doing good or so called creating positive merits is merely a means to enhance one's situation - and what is the purpose of having good situations? In Buddhist terms and from what I believe, good situations such as wealth, health etc is to ensure less o...See More
July 28, 2011 at 8:15pm · Like · 1

Francesca Poon Haha. Guys, turning around in circles!
July 28, 2011 at 10:05pm via mobile · Like

Francesca Poon Dear Callie, one can cultivate anytime. Visualizing guru showering universal energy in light form on u as well as all sentient beings as u silently chant Guru's mantra while u walk or moving around. U r cultivating, sharing n most important practicing Boddhicitta!
2 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like

Francesca Poon Not abt merits at all. I m sharing the Art of finding happiness n why some are so contented n happy. Path to happiness is what Buddha teaches us all to find. Cheers.
July 28, 2011 at 10:10pm via mobile · Like

Linus Hammarstrand Hmm, I agree that theoretically, one can practice everywhere, but unless we have some stability to our mind, some awareness of it´s fickleness, and some practical knowledge of how to focus it, it will be very hard to practice at all, especially in ever...See More
July 28, 2011 at 10:54pm · Like

Steven Thung stability of the mind can only be achieved thru confronting and enduring endless waves of problems and emotional traumas in daily lives.You may fall and fail many times but you just have to start all over again from where you fall and fail. Waiting for...See More
July 28, 2011 at 11:41pm · Like · 1

Linus Hammarstrand True, there is a danger in that! However, sometimes, seclusion, either physical or spiritual may become necessary at times, in order for the mind to be stable enough to confront the onslaught of suffering once we "go back", which we have to do. Ironica...See More
July 29, 2011 at 12:02am · Like

Steven Thung haha there is indeed no security and so long we r able to acknowledge this truth with no worries of the unknown future, just be clear minded and mindful of our thoughts and actions every instance, we can be at ease with the surrounding at all times, unintentionally the mind has been tamed and stability achieved;)
July 29, 2011 at 12:09am · Like

Linus Hammarstrand Haha, yes, but isn´t it ironic? It is also very hard though, I liked your analogy of walking and falling, rising and falling, again and again, feels very much like how it is!:) We gain some insight and the ability to accept, tadaaa, enter habitual tendencies and that goes out the window...Till the next time:)
July 29, 2011 at 12:12am · Like · 1

Helen Cheong I honestly thinking cultivation is so important practicing Buddhism. Don't blindly greed and expect Fashi or Shangshi do cleansing for individual. I am amazed people I met can tell me "as long as u do good u r fine!" OR " I follow the teaching n chanti...See More
July 29, 2011 at 12:16am · Like · 1

Steven Thung thats why meeting the right masters and learning the right teachings from them is one's blessing and ripening of good karma after accumulation of immeasurable good deeds for numerous lives times.But never take for granted for it can be entirely destroyed with just a single evil thought...a bit scary though
July 29, 2011 at 3:38am · Like

Linus Hammarstrand Helen: Very valid comments indeed! Personally, I think this is a particular characteristic of ignorance, of projecting one´s hopes and aspirations wholly unto another, thus refusing to take responsibility for one´s situation. Not to mention the situati...See More
July 29, 2011 at 4:01am · Like

Francesca Poon Wow! People hv been busy! Linus dear, it's ezy to what? Be secluded. Haha. U hardly see the sun so seclusion is almost daily affair, correct?
July 29, 2011 at 4:05am via mobile · Like

Francesca Poon Dear Helen, everyone answer their own karma. Don't get too mad for me or for other fashi n etc. People can try to lean on us n think they got the easy way n fastest way to attain improvement in cultivation. No effort plough, no harvest.
2 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like

Francesca Poon Cranky old ladies like me, won't be there for anyone to lean too. Hehe.
July 29, 2011 at 4:09am via mobile · Like

Linus Hammarstrand Haha, in summer, we see nothing but sun, it is 22.30 and it still has not set:) It will be like this for another month and gradually it will become darker, until the sun no longer rise:) A land of extremes:) As for seclusion, far from easy, kicking all habits at one, mind just goes on a rampage for a day or two:)
July 29, 2011 at 4:10am · Like

Callie Wong I don't know the art of happiness but I do know the first step towards the end of unhappiness is to allow oneself to constantly live in the awareness of impermanence.
July 29, 2011 at 4:47am · Like · 1

**[ Please use translation tools to translate the following.]

George Shih vajrapani39 on April 19, 2013 at 5:53 pm said:

4 hours ago · Like

Francesca Poon Hahaha!追外相不是真正出家人所为!因果是自己本身造的。阁下如看得懂我文含意,开悟与封上师已经是[佛满众生愿]的[方法]! 阁下好像借题[发泄]个人的不满和无明的怨气啊!哈哈哈!
2 hours ago · Like

Francesca Poon 密宗的真正行者,懂得尊师、重道、实修。试问:相应上师,不就是上师了吗?相应佛菩萨,不就是佛菩萨了吗?人间的名衔,对真正的瑜伽士重要吗?哈哈哈!那5佛冠,甚至7佛冠,相应了自然有! 哈哈哈!
2 hours ago · Edited · Like

Francesca Poon 乱象?是愚昧众生啊!你的见解、要不得啊!
2 hours ago · Like

Another chat box: - 

Raymond Tung

Hi fashi, to share, during fire puja, my sister in law saw you shining in golden light colour.
She said you look like 财神. 
That moment last for few seconds. 
She is very happy. 
She thinking to ask you that night but not dare. Haha.


Francesca Poon Hahaha! YOGA! My dear!

Raymond Tung  Yes Yoga ...
Last time she alwsys see ghost. Nowadays better after chanting 往生咒.

Now see god

Francesca Poon  yewsin saw blue & white light columns. I told him I am a big column of white light in the middle n 5 color columns surrounding the white. Gm & vajrasattva!

Raymond Tung Very auspicious. 
If everybody can see it, the room is not look like a room but palace like

Dear all, cultivation depends on Guru & Student Rapport & not any sentient related matter or craving! 

As to dedication and working for the good of one's sector and indirectly the whole of the Buddhist world and subsequently all sentient beings, One do not bother much about Rewards! 

Rewards craving is not a characteristic of Buddhas & Boddhisattvas, likewise a True Yogi! 

The writer George Shih, really using his own perception, a very sentient one too, to comment on something he really has no clear knowledge of. 

His concept of Buddha Dharma is truly way off, do you agree? :)

Do I have to share with you or anyone what Guru & I agreed to?
What we planned to do?
Where we planned to go and share Buddha Dharma?
What we planned to share and with whom?


Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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