
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

认贼作母?Acknowledging Thief as Mother?

取录于:卢胜彦文集 231 法王的大传说
Extracted from : Lu Sheng Yan Literary Compilation 231 [The Legendary Tales of the Dharma King]

阿育王的妻儿 - 48页
King A Yu's wife and son - page 48

Defend Guru? Have you read the above article?

师尊请大家参一参 --- 
{{ 阿育王是谁?
[繍繍] 是谁?


Guru asked all to ponder or contemplate ....
{{ Who is King A Yu?
Who is [Xiu Xiu]?
Who is [Jie Jie] ? 
The drama of the past, seem that history is re-enacted in this generation.
I am slandered by Xiu Xiu & Jie Jie, all from strength of Karmic deeds and affinity. }}


Did you acknowledged the Thief as mother? Hahaha! 
Xiu Xiu in the above context is obviously the [Mother] figure, agree?
Likewise, Jiejie is obviously the son, correct?

Dear all, do you all read Guru's statements with your hearts?
For those that still joint hands with those that are slandering Guru and those that following blindly as lead by "figure-heads" that are perceived by you as "AUTHORITY", Please sit back and re-calculate your next move/moves!!!


What is Truth? 
Still have times to make trouble or mischief as the demon's lackeys?

Perhaps you should all save yourself by chanting more of your One & Only Root Guru's mantra!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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