
Monday, March 4, 2013

Tainted Food?

Hi dear,
Actually, VM ZZ was the one that told me not to dine with fellow students too often as the food they touched become Tainted!
I think I explained Tainted food well already!

Hahaha! He either jealous of my popularity or plain ignorant & don’t know.
He also ordered all fellow students dining with him to let him eat first.
So his assistant, scoop the food, served to him onto dishes or bowls, then the rest of the students can eat!
I don’t like to dine with him!
Too much taboo!
He has yet to learn “Wisdom of Equality” and I have nothing to say to him!

External appearances are often very deceiving, agree?
:) Cheers dear

Dear all, this just come to mind, as I am invited to attend a birthday celebration later this evening. :)

Tainted food is food that ghosts or spirits have “tasted” and left their saliva on the food.
Thats why when we do bardo delivery and cleansing of the food and then offer to the Divinities, our food is clean and blessed.

It is obvious this VM really don’t know that “Om Ah Hom” will cleanse what ever he needs to put into his mouth or apply to his body, agree?
One that perceives others as “dirty”; unclean; impure; really not a True Yogi that understand basic Buddha Dharma that all are equal!!!

We really need to open up our hearts to accomodate and live harmoniously with all, in order to cultivate well.
In Enlightenment, One looses Self and merged with all and “disappear”! Hehe!

Cheers all.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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