
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Power of Guru's Mantra [2]

This student is in a trance.

The above is yet another occasion during Pure Karma's fire puja in October 2012, whereby a student  has "fainting" symptom and I instructed all to chant mantra loudly! 

Guru has already taught me to move energy at the sound of the "Hom" syllable.

See how effective is Guru's mantra?

There are yellow-colored light orbs and big white ones too!

We have Divine Help, agree? 


During one offering by a student, Guru "moved" my right hand to the base of the student's lungs, at his back. With my left hand positioning the lotus offering at his "3rd-eye chakra".

At the sound of "Hom", my right hand pushes against the student's back lightly inwards and sweeping upwards, expelling "darkness" or stale energy at the base of his lungs. :)

Well, Guru taught to write "hom" on both palms to help those that are possessed, during the recent Ragaraja event in Taiwan. :)

At last, VMs and all students should not be afraid of anyone in need of help and should use what Guru taught us to help others in need.

At last Saturday's fire puja, by Pure Karma, Guru showed me how to "palm" the "Hom" into the students and move it upwards and out through the crown of their heads. 

It was a beautiful gold-lighted "Hom" syllable as we were doing Golden Mother as joint yidam with Padmakumara!

Please refer to the photos for 2-3-2013 Fire Puja, the light orbs are mostly gold in color. :)

Gold or Yellow is for Health & Wealth!

Do you agree that Guru is ever present with all of us?

Do you agree that when you need guidance, Guru will teach you on the spot?

Do you agree that as long as you are willing to help others sincerely without conditions or rewards, Guru will give you all you need to do so, more than adequately?

Do you now understand why when the VM told me that my claims of chatting with Guru are all manifestation of my mind/thoughts, and I know that she is uttering garbage?

Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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