
Monday, March 11, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Letting Down the Big Rock in the Heart

Link:   莲厨谈心 - 心里的大石头已经放下了

Dear Fashi

Today my mother took out her anger unreasonablely at me, venting her temper, because of some unhappiness with her mother, my grandmother.
I feel very sad.

However, momentarily, you face flash past my mind.
I suddenly recall what you said to me last evening during fire puja cultivation.

You said that I have some light/brightness, the big rock in my heart seems to have been let down (lifted), unlike previously, I seem to have something pressing down on me .....

Some indefinable forces seem to be at play like Guru arranged for you to relay the message to me.
Extremely grateful to you.

These words that you tell to others, probably you won't keep it to your heart, but what you said to me, enabled me to feel for the first time this evening that I have truly let go, everything will past, correct?

Heartfelt gratefulness to you for frequently helping us clear calamities and blessing us, silently during fire puja cultivation. Thank you.


LC: Hahaha! 
Actually this fellow student really cultivate diligently, also help with preparation of lotuses offering for fire puja event.
She is also warm hearted and extends help to all around her.

What did I see?

She has brightened up, there is a gust of joyfulness spreading widely outwards from her innermost heart, even her eyes shine too.
That is, a relaxing feel.

Yes! Everything will pass! Seen through everything, then will be very happy! 

I am also heartfeltedly happy for her!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama LotusChef

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