
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - Attachment & Expectation

This is a statue of Maitreya Boddhisatva at the entrance of Chung Tai Chan Monastery.
His "Cloth Bag" is laid down at his feet. 
Cloth Bag is supposed to hold all treasures crave by all sentient beings. :)

The meaning of this is to Let Down or Let Go.

I read in Facebook 2 days ago an article of Guru's which is from his earlier works. 
He talks about the reason for the change of sector's name to True Buddha School.

The student who brought up an issue alleging that TBS Admin is incompetence in "rehatching" Guru's "ancient" article to illustrate a point.

The student alleged that Admin did not practice efficient vigilance of the internet pertaining to TBS' matters! 

There exist in this student and I am sure also many others that Admin & VMs have Wisdom and Corresponding Qualifications, to Perform as per sentient minded requirement! 

Guru already wrote about VMs being teachers. I also wrote about Acharya, means teachers too. 
However, it is unfair to attribute or expect all in Admin or all VMs should have already possessed or be equipped with YOUR Individual Expectation that they should all perform as per your Attached Expectation.

See how many are in Admin? 
How many of the all VMs are enlightened?
How many enlightened ones are truly USING their knowledge of Enlightenment to Perform or Realise their Samaya & Boddicitta Vows?

YES! it is too much to expect and attach Qualities or Characteristics or Behaviours, to ANY Sentient Being! 

Moreover, the student in question should not expect anyone to perform, unless she is their paymaster! 


Now, you would ask me, then why did you write about their deficiencies? :)

Well, I highlighted the irregularities they Published and alleged these/their statements to be from Guru! 
I pointed out their Ignorance & Greed & Aversions = 3 poisons.

I am cautioning all to be Mindful of Truth and not be deceived by External Forms or Titles! 

Heed Guru's advice that One should not act God before one attained Buddhahood! 

Internet Vigilance???

Guru jokingly said during one speech that VM HJ was acting as internet police and collaborating with Shi-mu. However, he doesn't want to know or they don't need to tell him what is on the internet! 

A Buddha knows All! 

Did you also chance upon a comment by a Taiwanese student stating that VM HJ is uneducated?
Or in his term: Bo (No or Didn't); Tart (read or study); Chey (book).

Question: how does One expect another who is lacking in Education and corresponding Wisdom to Perform Efficiently?   

The student writes well in Mandarin, and should plough her education into Dharma Propagation, instead of writing harsh statements and expect those being in office to perform as per her Attached or Fixated Mindset. 

We all noticed and have also experienced how those beside Guru are "guarding" their Individual's Goldmine, blocking those who can't pay from getting close to Guru, agree? 

They are truly a bunch of ignorants, because they still don't understand that Guru, a Living Buddha, exists in all dimensions and fills the cosmos. 

From Avatamsaka Sutra, you will understand that a Buddha is Infinitely Present Throughout All Times; Directions; Dimensions; Space... :) 

Yes! No One can block you from Guru but your own Heart's Demon.

Just chant Guru's mantra and Guru is with you! 

Hahaha! Do or Don't Eventually Depends on Your Choice! 

Cheers all

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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