
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Equality – Lion and Dog

[AA: Hehe I was thinking the same.The lion and the dog will be the same when either they are in the unborn state or they die.

Let us look at the above statement from different angles, shall we?
This differs from Guru’s Real and Fake White Roses though.
The Lion and Dog are both animals.

However they differ in many aspects:
Looks; Size; Color; Coats; Temperament; Habitats; but most important is their Karmic Influences!!!
Therefore even in Unborn state or Death, they can’t be Truly Equal!

Just like human beings, we all have different Karmic Levels and when can we all be EQUAL?

I think the answer should be when we attain Buddhahood or attain Dharmakaya, which is Formless, agree? :)

The Form we take on during birth into the Sentient Realm or any Realm with Form is Solely Dependent on our individual Karmic levels.
Thus we are male; female; human or animals; rich or poor; pretty or ugly; etc….
This is Differentiation that are determined by each individual’s karmic levels.

However, the Good News is that Buddha, as per Avatamsaka Sutra, has indefinite ways to succour each and every one of us!!!

Your solution?

Listen to Guru and cultivate accordingly! :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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