
Friday, March 1, 2013

没礼貌的比丘 A bad-mannered Bhikkhu

Terjemahan Indonesia: Bhiksu yang Kasar

24 February 2013 at Xiang Hua Temple, Taichung. Taiwan.

At about 1:30pm, a bhikkhu arrived at the 3rd floor of the above temple.
Many bhikkhu & bhikkhuni were already seated neatly in rows pretty close together as there is shortage of space.

Bhikku X grabbed a plastic chair and raise it above a sitting bhikkhuni and went to her left to be seated.
Bhikkhuni said to him, why he can't say excuse me and just cross over other's head without consideration for others' danger.

X said, bhikkhuni can't talk to bhikkhu like this and question them too.
He sneered at the bhikkhuni in question and said how dare she talks to him like this!!!

I brought up the 8 Respect Practice 八敬法, recently.
Obviously this X does not have any inkling why bhikkhuni in the past needs to respect bhikkhus.

He is downright rude and obnoxious and think too highly of himself!
What a poor misguided and ignorant soul he is, agree?

In the 8 Respect Practice, during Buddha's time on earth, bhikkhus went around to beg for alms and return to share with bhikkhunis, as they fear the dangers that might befall these females from people with bad-intent and they can't defend themselves.
Also, as they join the group well after most bhikkhus, these bhikkhus also undertake to teach them what Buddha has taught previously and guided them in their cultivation.

That is why Bhikkhunis practice the 8 Respect Practice, to honor those that provide for them and teach them!

It is not like what most think, that females are born Lowly and to be ordered around and step on!

X is not fit to be called a Bhikkhu and also he is really such a bully!
Can he be considered as a member of the Sangha, one of the Triple Gems?
Can be be considered as a Buddha's student?

If you look at his aura, he resembles a Bull!
Facial complexion full of marks and potholes too!

Your visible facade grew from your heart. 相由心生。

Buddha is one that has the 5 wisdoms and one of them is Wisdom of Equality.
Can he endorse what this X has done to the bhikkhuni?

Definitely Not!!!

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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