
Friday, March 8, 2013

华严经 Avatamsaka Sutra - Review

From Facebook March 6, 2013.
I commented: -

Someone asked me what is Avatamsaka Sutra about?
I said its like a kungfu manual n you have to merge into it to understand it.
I think it's a pretty appropriate answer, agree?

Dear all, have you been following this sutra that I am sharing in both my blogs?

As per its English Title, its Flower Ornaments Scripture.

So far do you have the feeling of strolling along leisurely a huge garden filled with all kinds of Flowers?

The latest has water; ocean; crops; ... spirits as well.

So the Elements of Nature are also present in Amazing arrays too, agree? 

Now to the point.

Why Kungfu Manual?

Did you noticed that I "Bold & Underlined" certain statements or parts of them?

Picked up the drift?

Well, the recent ones talked about pains, afflictions, miseries; sufferings;... however, they also talked about Buddha's abilities to neutralize all these to bring Truths; Joy; ... with His Infinite Wisdom & Compassion for ALL sentient beings. :)

Now Kungfu is martial arts predominantly developed by ancient masters for health and self-defense.
Whatever, other purposes that cause any unhappiness or grievous harm to any sentient being, are not the predominant motivation of most of these masters.

Embedded within this wondrous sutra, are visions or instructions to cultivate to "help" or "relieve" sentient beings' suffering, brought about mainly by their ignorance and other non-virtuous mindsets.

Hahaha! If you don't believe me, or you really don't need to believe me, go read this sutra repeatedly from the beginning and begin your Journey of Discovery! 

Cheers all. 

Happy Journeying!!! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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