
Friday, March 29, 2013

华严经 Avatamsaka Sutra - Reading Book 2?

Hi all,
Have you been reading this sutra on your own?

Feel free to bring up any comments or your viewpoints from reading this wondrous sutra.

Please note that you need to read Book One through at least Once, and you will be able to navigate through this sutra with a degree of ease or "sailing smoothly through". :)

I will inform you all when I start on Book 3 and etc.

So please help yourself by reading this sutra.

In Tantrayana, Cultivation depends solely on One's Root Guru's guidance and determination to practice diligently to help Self as well as others!

You need to find the ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE in your Root Guru's guidances and yourself when you cultivate.


Happy Cultivating!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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