
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

华严经 Avatamsaka Sutra Book 1 Part 1:10

Book 1 Part 1:10
He produces all joys and delights Which beings receive without end; He causes all who see not to waste: This is the enlightenment of Flower Banner.

The ocean of Buddha's virtue is inexhaustible; No bounds or limits to it can be found. Its light shines in all ten directions: This is the liberation of Adornment King.

The Buddha's great sound is always spoken, Showing the real true way out of distress; All beings who hear it are happy and glad: Pleasing Sound is capable of believing this way.

I see the Buddha's sovereign powers All stem from practices cultivated in the past; With great compassion he saves beings and makes them pure: This Jewel Tree King can understand.

It is difficult to get a chance to see a Buddha; Beings may encounter one in a million eons, Adorned with the marks of greatness all complete: This is the view of Beholder's Delight.

Observe the great knowledge and wisdom of Buddha, Responding to the desires of all sentient beings, Expounding to all the path of omniscience: Supreme Adornments can comprehend this.

The ocean of deeds is inconceivably vast— Beings' suffering and happiness all come from it; All this the Buddha can show: This is what Flower Banner knows.

The Buddha's mystic powers are uninterrupted— In all directions the earth constantly quakes, Though no sentient beings are aware of it: This Immense Power ever clearly sees.

Manifesting spiritual powers while among the masses, He radiates light to make them wake up, Revealing the realm of all the enlightened: This Fierce Lord capably observes.

Furthermore, the garuda king Power of Great Swiftness had found the door of liberation of the nonattached, unobstructed eye observing everything in the worlds of sentient beings.

The garuda king Unbreakable Jewel Topknot found the door of liberation abiding in the realm of reality and teaching sentient beings.

The garuda king Pure Speed found the door of liberation of the power of energy to perfect all means of transcendence.

The garuda king Non-regressing Mind found the door of liberation of bold power entering the realm of enlightenment.

The garuda king Steady Pure Light found the door of liberation fully developing knowledge of the boundless differences in sentient beings.

The garuda king Beautifully Adorned Crown Topknot found the door of liberation adorning the citadel of the Buddha teaching.

The garuda king Immediate Manifestation Everywhere found the door of liberation perfecting the power of unbreakable equanimity.

The garuda king Ocean Surveyor found the door of liberation knowing the physical forms of all sentient beings and manifesting forms for them.

The garuda king Dragon Sound Great Eye Energy found the door of liberation of the knowledge entering into the acts of all sentient beings in death and life.

At that time the garuda king Power of Great Swiftness, receiving the power of the Buddha, looked over all the garudas and said in verse,

The Buddha-eye is vast and boundless, Seeing all the lands in the ten directions. Sentient beings therein are innumerable: Showing great spiritual powers, he conquers them all.

The Buddha's spiritual powers are unhindered; He sits under all the enlightenment trees in the ten directions And expounds the truth like a cloud filling everywhere: Jewel Topknot, hearing this, does not oppose.

The Buddha did various practices in the past, Universally purifying great means of transcendence, Giving offerings to all the enlightened: This the Swift king deeply believes.

In each pore of the Buddha Boundless practices are shown in an instant; Such is the realm of Buddhahood: Adorned by Non-regression clearly sees all.

The Buddha's boundless wisdom light Can destroy the net of ignorance and illusion, Saving all beings in all worlds: This is the teaching held by Stable Light.

The citadel of truth is immense, endless; Its gates are various and uncountable The Buddha, in the world, opens them wide: Here Beautiful Crown Topknot clearly enters.

All the Buddhas are one reality body True suchness, equal, without distinctions; The Buddha always abides through this power: Immediate Manifestation Everywhere can fully expound this.

The Buddha in the past saved beings in all realms, Shining light throughout the world, Teaching and taming by various means: This supreme teaching Ocean Surveyor realizes.

The Buddha sees all lands All resting on the ocean of doing, And rains the rain of truth on them all: Dragon Sound's liberation is like this.

Furthermore, the titan king Rahula found the door of liberation of appearing as the honored leader of the masses.
Bhimacitta found the door of liberation making countless eons manifest.

The titan king Skillful Magical Arts found the door of liberation extinguishing the sufferings of all sentient beings and purifying them.

The titan king Great Following found the door of liberation of self-adornment by cultivation of all ascetic practices.

The titan king Bhandhi found the door of liberation causing boundless realms in the ten directions to quake.

The titan king Universal Shining found the door of liberation of securely establishing all sentient beings by various techniques.

The titan king Wonderful Adornment of Firm Action found the door of liberation of everywhere gathering unbreakable roots of goodness and clearing away all attachments.

The titan king Vast Causal Wisdom found the door of liberation of leadership with great compassion free from confusion.

The titan king Manifesting Supreme Virtue found the door of liberation causing all to see the Buddhas, serve, make offerings, and cultivate roots of goodness.

The titan king Good Sound found the door of liberation of the practice of sure equanimity entering into all states of being.

At that time the titan king Rahula, imbued with the power of the Buddha, looked over all the titans and said in verse,

In all the great masses in the ten directions, The Buddha is most unique among them. The radiance of his light is equal to space, Appearing before all sentient beings.

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