
Sunday, February 10, 2013

快乐之泉Well of Happiness

A Happy & Auspicious Chinese New Year to all!

Lets talk about something happy then. :)

Buddha shares how to leave sentient suffering behind to find Happiness.

Now how do you make this once-found Happiness Last?

Guru said to open your hearts to all, Hearts wide as the sea, wide as the ocean.

The Seven Boddhicitta!

Last evening, many didn't get the lucky draw number stubs, because they came late and all the stubs were given out.

Only 218 lucky draw prizes were given out. There were about 500 attendees!

Those with lucky draw number stubs?

Hahaha! Most were eagerly awaiting their numbers to be drawn!

As the draw moves towards the higher prizes, the atmosphere really heated up. :)

Those with hearts that want to win?
They think they must win to show they are lucky or auspicious!

Yes, sentient mindsets can make a happy occasion of dining with Guru at reunion dinner lost luster. 

When you can let go of this type of mindset of Ego & Pride, you will have learn a little of Buddha Dharma.

If you can find the Well of Happiness and share with all, and also maintaining eternal happy mode, you know what Buddha Dharma is truly about.

Start with putting a smile permanently on your face, then put smiles on faces around you.

When all smile back at you, You Succeeded in developing a Well of Happiness for Self as well as others. :)

Cheers all. If you recognize me, do smile! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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