
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Samaya Vows

Guru told me in early January to do up to date backup of my blogs.
The student that gifted me with the in October 2011, terminated the domain without notice today afternoon.

He told us to take over last September and we did so. We took over the hosting and he promised to transfer the domain to us. However, he failed to hand over the domain hence. He even went to the extend of terminating it earlier than expiry, without prior notice to pure karma's team of blog administrators. :)

When someone gifts a channel to help propagate Buddha Dharma and then withdrew completely without notice, it is really not anyone's concern by this person's own.

Negating on vows to help propagate Buddha Dharma and Helping all sentient beings, is a breach of Samaya vows between student and his Guru and the Universal Divinities.

As to why and etc. is not of import to anyone else.

If he bows/kneels under pressure from anyone, it is also his own karmic influences.

Let us wish him well.

We were not inconvenience as we already secure another domain last October, just as backup.

Guru is indeed great to give advance notice well before this person, shut down the blog without notice!

If anyone ask me, Is Living Buddha Lian Sheng a True Buddha?

I would not hesitate to SHOUT : YES!!!

How about you?


When One is sharing Authentic Buddha Dharma and Telling the Truth As It Is; Guru and all Divinities and Deities too, will ensure our paths are smooth and plain sailing, agree?

Cheers all. Don't hazard any guesses as to who apply pressure too & etc.!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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