
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lotuschef in Sentient Mindset 1

AA: Just some updates for my case.
Spoken to the buyer’s agent today. Was told the buyer is very determine to sue.. Buyer also refuse to talk to my seller. Buyer even threatened to report seller to xxx Association and to report me to ZZ. Think he’s a bit crazy liao..

Both we agents are actually prepared to meet up with my seller to see if we can get things sorted out among ourselves without going through the lawyers. However, my seller now also do not want to talk and just want to leave everything to the lawyer.

Guess suing one another is unavoidable now.. Just have to pray for the better. Since GM said it will be ok, I am sure it is going to be ok. But I can’t just tell my seller what GM said.. They will sure scold me for that.. Lol

LC: Hi dear
the problem was created by the seller refusing to entertain the buyer after completion.
Seller has a right to not entertain them after completion
It is attitude of seller that annoyed Buyer so much that they are willing to fight a loosing legal battle. Also because their lawyers probably tell them they have a case!
Lawyers are first class liars when come to $ they can make

Well, when I buy an expensive toy, I also expect to be entertained n not ignored.

The buyer didnt exactly specify items he wants and he also took over n pay up, really he should have checked properly before paying!

Why are the items he wanted so important that he wants to sue?
It is his pride that don't accept being in his view cheated by seller.

Items probably cost less that the legal fees to come!
You just continue to offer to earth god n spirit and ask them to help
Sometimes Karma of individual can't ease until they bang a rock wall!

Legally no case also want to show Power, thats Human Beings!

Remember that they signed on dotted lines the contract so they can't say their version of Furnished is not what they eventually get.
If they are so particular, they should list down the items they so wanted!

Really all a show of Power n the Ego can let go.
Just watch and let events unfold then.

People that threatened are mostly losers that think making lots of noise n garnering notice will further their course.
Singapore has a good legal system in place n they cant penalize anyone without just cause.
relax n also dedicate gaowang sutra to the buyers

AA: U are right.. Seller refuse to entertain buyer after completion.. How u know huh? Hahaha
As for buyer it is also really due to Power and Ego.. Although he said it is about principle, but it is still ego and pride..

Ok will continue to offer to earth god n spirit for help and dedicate gaowang jin to buyers J

LC: hahaha!
The human mindset is all the same!
Remember that I have been in business from age 5, working for my workaholic parents
Thats why my life now is Heaven in comparison n also why I like to keep our group small
It is ok on line as they dont see me physically! Hehe
Cheers n if things has to happen in a certain way, we learn and get wiser! 
:) :) :)

AA: Wa, starting from age 5? This is the first time I heard from you.. lol
You must be very experience in doing business.. hehehe.. Can guide me a bit? I am serious

To be cont'd 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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