
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Rotten Inside





**extracted from the above link in Facebook. Translated by Lama Lotuschef.

[[ His Holiness Karmapa : It is the same with Repentance, some are able to do repentance, homage prostration, on one hand; however on the other, they are cursing and scolding someone. Actually Repentance can Purify, but firstly need to learn Forgiveness.

Just making a show of homage prostration in front of Buddha, is pointless, the eventual goal of cultivation is not to curry favor with Buddha, it is for self-benefit, is it not? Hope all will remember this by heart. ]]

I bought a round cabbage from a supermarket nearby my residence.
It is fine on the outside but look at the insides!!!

As it is not convenient to go back and get an exchange, I just savaged whatever is not spoiled or rotten. 

Hahaha! Outward Show seems to have also infiltrated into the Purity of Buddhism. 

Yes! Many put up a False Front or Facade but in actual fact we can say that they are Rotten Inside!

Well, Be Discerning and do not fall prey to these Rotten "cabbages" ! 

:) :) :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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