
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lotuschef in Chat - [开悟的箭试 Archery Test - Enlightenment]

Well all in True Buddha know about Guru inviting all students to "Shoot Arrows of their Enlightenment" in written form and send to him to assess Level of Enlightenment if any.

In this morning's chat with Guru, Topic one is Offering; Topic 2 is a private matter concerning a certain student; Topic 3 is my jokingly telling Guru that I also want to shoot arrows!

To be exact, 2 only! :) :) :)

These are lyrics to a canto-pop song which I changed to reflect my respect for Guru and what I have learn from Guru through various lifetimes.

13 June 2010 – 獅城雷藏寺与 师尊的约会 – 莲廚法师 唱歌 感恩师尊

[I name this one GM’s vow. 师尊的诺言



Keeping in steps with you through many Bodhi Paths of various lifetimes, 

随着您 脱开生死打转
Keeping in steps with you, breaking free from rotation of Life & Death.} Arrow 2

Always memorizing Buddha Dharma, Using it to Transform into Miracles,

方可实践  度众诺言。
Only then, can Realized Vows to Succor Sentient Beings.]} Arrow 1

Arrow 1 - Buddha Dharma ; Use; Transform; Miracles; Realized; Succor Sentient Beings. 

Arrow 2 - Keeping in steps with Root Guru; Bodhi Paths; Breaking Free; Suffering of Life & Death.

Guru said: Enlightened in Theory must still cultivate to realized your True Buddha Nature. 

I am not going to explain further here as I have already done so in my chat with Guru.

Let Guru do the explanation when  you have the affinity. 

Did I hit Bulls-eyes for these arrows? Hehe! 

Cheers all. Happy Cultivating! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 11 Sep 2016

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