
Thursday, January 31, 2013

与佛同步 In Steps with Buddha

Guru said: Those diligent cultivators although physically far away from me, in actual fact, they are just by my sides. Those physically by my sides but do not cultivate diligently, are in actual fact, very far away from me.

Yes! This is Guru's stance on what is keeping [In Steps with Buddha] all about.

The End!!!

:) Kidding la!

In steps can mean you are able to Yoga with Buddha or in our case, our Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

Therefore you can start visualizing Guru smiling at you all the time and you can talk or chat with him whenever you see something unique or of interest to you.

Just say: Shizun, please look at this..... it's cute isn't it?...
How do you talk to your dad and mom?
Same style will do.
Don't need to worry or to stand on ceremony.
Relax and be happy while chatting with Guru.

If you are in public, then use your heart to talk, no need to emit sound.
Your eyes/ears/nose/skin.... and your heart will do the necessary.

You don't have confidence that Guru is hearing you, then you will never be able to Yoga, because you lack absolute trust & faith in Guru being a Buddha!

If you can do so well enough, you have learn something call "Astral Projection" which is Visualization of transporting Subject to your designated location!


Try it!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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