
Sunday, January 6, 2013

5-1-2013 Guru's Dharma Speech


1/5/2013 The Hevajra Practice by Grand-Master Lu – Taiwan Lei Tsang Temple

The above are links to the respective speeches. Now what did I picked up? :)

Guru mentioned: Ru Lai Shen Zhang Buddha's divine palms. I shared this before in this blog.

Acala helps eliminates your Suffering or suppresses your suffering and not those of others!
Guru said when your Heart can accomodate 100 rivers; 100 mountains; then you can be term as a True Yogi.

6th Zen Patriarch, Hui Neng, said : No thoughts on Good and No thoughts on Evil! 

As long as you have thoughts of differentiation, you are still Attached or Fixated and can never truly open up your heart to accomodate others.

When you have no more attachment, then & then only can you employ "Ren Yun" or Execute As You Please. [situational responsive appropriate action].

Now Guru touches on the Importance of one's Root Guru or Gurus.
Once your Trust & Belief in Root Guru wavers; once you start to Doubt; you lost the Crucial link to Root Guru and the Universe. 

I was writing along these line in recent articles like the following:-

Guru said if your belief in him wavers upon hearing some negatives, then you lost the Lineage Link to him! 

That is why, I always advocate that we all listen attentively to Guru ONLY! 

Cheers all.

Go hear from Guru 1st Hand. :) 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef 

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