
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Possessed by Sex Demons? [2]

The following are true stories. Read with an Open Mind.
These are mostly karmic influences from past and present lifetime.

Case 2

HH is a cab-driver as all his business ventures failed. His spouse, WW, works part-time with a gifts promotion firm. 
They quarreled frequently because HH is a die-hard gambler. 
After one such quarrel, WW went home to stay with her father.

Few days later, she went home and found out that HH has also left home to stay with his mother, hours after she left.
However, the power supplies is terminated and their youngest son of 13 years were left to fend for himself since WW left. HH again failed to pay the bills and also did not leave resources for his son to feed himself. 
They have an elder son who is doing national service. 

To WW, this is the last straw. She filed for a divorce. 
She recounted her life with HH. 
She said HH would force her to watch pornographic movies and then mimic the acts shown. They also quarrel over these.

HH travels to Thailand often, purportedly on business or looking for business opportunities as he told the Divorce Court. 

I wonder why he can afford the travel expenses of air fare; transport; lodging; food and entertainment, but can't pay utilities to ensure his family's well being!!! :)
He smokes heavily too. I believe this is money he can save for his son's daily needs.

WW recounted that the youngest son eats leftovers of school mates during breaks because he has no money and is hungry. 

This is another husband that did not pay monthly maintenance to his family as ordered by the Court.

Think: If HH is repentant, what would you advise him to do?

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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