
Friday, December 14, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Open Mindset Please

The following was thrown into my facebook message box today. 
It is the view of master Huijun written on 12-12-2012.
I would like to inform all to stop sending or throwing these types of articles into my message boxes. Like excerpts from [ilovegm] forum, Guru already instructed me to leave this forum be. 

These are acts of gossip mongers that have nothing better to do?  

Hahaha! If you think the master is Right and you believe she is Right, then please listen to her. 
There is no need to share what others said with me. 
I only listen to Guru and no one else.

As to Disciplines and Doctrines?
Guru has a very good answer: These don't exist when You are alone, on the Moon, just like there is no need for Buddha Dharma. If you open you heart and view all as Self, then there is always only One where ever you may be, agree? :)

Did Guru announced that this master is enlightened in Theory? 
Let Go and Move away from Fixation please.

Guru said: Love in the Heart is enough!
Using Disciplines & Doctrines on others to make them listen to you or obey you? Not what Guru teaches and want to see, agree? :) 
Do you truly understand what Guru said all the time or most of the time? 

Remember that these are Guides only and should not be use to cause any unhappiness and also they are not weapons for a privileged few who think they have the power to dictate to others.

Hahaha! Wisdom of Equality and also Wisdom of Discernment.
Broaden your horizon please. 
Nothing affects a True Buddha!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

作者:蓮花慧君 (寫於2012年12月12日)
想想看自己的皈依因緣是什麼?很多弟子也許在參加真佛宗法會、讀師尊文集、……或其他因緣皈依真佛宗。皈依之後,可知道真佛宗的戒律嗎?當初您所進入的寺堂同修道場,有發給您戒本嗎?您知道什麼是【十四大戒】、【事師法五十誦 】嗎?
告訴大家喔! 皈依真佛宗要守五戒十善,要守【十四大戒】、【事師法五十誦 】……甚至顯密律儀都要遵守。各道場應該要定期誦戒,請弘法人員講戒。一個遵守戒律的行者,修法才會不偏斜。一個遵守戒律的道場,更能發揮攝眾的力量。
【第9條 ,若彼求法者 於師生輕毀 則謗諸如來 常得諸苦惱】
解 釋: 求法的弟子,不可譭謗上師,罵上師如同罵佛,一定很苦惱。
【第10條,由增上愚痴 而獲于現報 為惡曜執持 重病相纏縛】
解 釋: 譭謗上師,是很愚痴的,很快得到報應,天上惡神入其心,必得重病,不得解脫。
【第11條,王法所逼切 及毒蛇傷螫 冤賊水火難 非人得其便】
解 釋: 譭謗上師,必犯王法,被毒物所傷,水災火災盜賊均至,一切惡鬼神常給災難。
【第12條,彼頻那夜迦 常作諸障礙 從此而命終 即墮於惡趣】
解 釋: 譭謗上師,自有惡神來賜災難,死後入三惡道,即地獄、餓鬼、畜生 。
【第13條,勿令阿闍梨 少分生煩惱 無智相違背 定入阿鼻獄】
解 釋: 弟子承事上師,勿令上師有一點煩惱,若違上師意旨,背叛上師,入阿鼻地獄。
【第14條,受種種極苦 說之深可怖 由謗阿闍梨 於中常止住】
解 釋: 阿鼻地獄是最苦的地獄,由於譭謗上師,就如此恐怖,痛苦無盡。
【第15條,彼阿闍梨者 弘持正法藏 是故當一心 輒莫生輕慢】
解 釋: 弘持正法的上師,弟子要一心承事,若有輕慢心,就犯以上重罪。

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