
Friday, December 28, 2012

Guru's Prediction Realizing?

Terjemahan Indonesia: Ramalan Guru Menjadi Kenyataan?

Well, Guru said before, TBS will start rotting from the CORE, like an apple!
I read this somewhere, perhaps those that know where can share with us all.

Remember the article about Demon's Lackey?
The writer of the passage in Facebook alleged that someone wanted to get close to Core but failed and scolded VM LN. He also alleged this someone is in Shi-mu's camp! :)

From his statements, we can deduced that VM LN & Shi-mu are in different camps and have different agendas, correct?

However, both of them are part of TBS' Core!!!

Now Core has endorsed [ilovegm] forum and Shi-mu even gave a speech about how "successful" this forum is!!! :)

Now the next item is begging Guru to endorse legal action against the mastermind, a Taiwanese national, behind all the defamation activities!
I remember sharing that in a Defamation case against the alleged culprits, Guru will have to stand in Court as the Complainant!
Do students truly care or love Guru and understand that it is against Guru's will to take any actions against anyone?
Why do students think that Guru is pained by the defamation?

Recently Guru shared a story of a rich and famous man who committed suicide because of defamation, Guru said that the amount of defamation and scolding he received through decades is much much more and if he wants to kill himself, Hundreds of Him also not enough!!!

Know what Guru meant by these statements?
He is not bothered at all!!!

VM HJ goes round ordering student to "unfriend" so & so, because they are in the wrong or they don't love guru or they are in the "monkey-list"!!!

Someone commented that she is "boh tug chek" [Taiwanese dialect means did not attend school], literally means Uneducated!

My humble opinion of employing Buddha Dharma to solve problems fell on deaf ears of those hot-headed souls who took arms with the Big Brothers & Sisters from Core, negating all traces of "Buddha's disciples" if any in them.

Well, I asked many times: Is this what a Buddha's student should do?

Without Basic Knowledge of Buddha Dharma, it is nearly impossible to cultivate Tantra successfully.
Guru's teachings and sharings fell on deaf ears too!
Guru said to correct "habits" first and start from Preliminaries!
No foundation but wanted to acquire "power & wealth & fame"? Hahaha!

In my humble view, the Rotting has started from the Core for quite some time already.
In the series: Fakes of Guru; it is obvious that each power-crazy students have created their own version of Guru, one whom they think they can control too!

Would you agree that these people are Grasping at Thin Air? :)

O! Please do not take my words for it though, listen attentively to what Guru has to say please. :)

Another thing, many that are in so-called CORE, have already undergone irreversible facial changes, taking on facade of beings of the lower realms.
Open your eyes and look carefully at all of them too, please also don't take my words for it in this as well.
Best to go find out yourself. For you and you alone have to learn discernment and develop the 5 Wisdoms inherent in all True Buddhas. :) :) :)

Hahaha! Have fun!!!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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