
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

[34] 密教大光华 Complete Exposition-True Buddha Tantric Dharma

Emerging from Samadhi 

After entering into Samadhi, one eventually emerges from Samadhi. When one is ready to emerge from Samadhi, the visualization steps of the "entering of the Personal deity into self" are reversed. First one's body or the Personal deity contracts to a miniature size and rests on the lotus in one's heart chakra. Next, the Personal deity transforms into a dot of light and travels along the middle channel to the crown. At the top of the crown, this dot of light transforms back into the Personal Deity. After this, the Personal deity moves forward and turns around to once again stand facing one. This is the exit of Personal Deity from oneself. The Personal deity that is sitting in the middle of one's heart emerges and re-enters the spiritual realm. This is the exit of the Personal Deity from one's body into the spiritual realm. So, following the entering of the Personal deity into oneself is the exiting of the Personal deity from oneself. At this point one emerges from Samadhi.

Chanting other Heart Mantras

After emerging from Samadhi, the next step is the recitation of the principal Heart Mantras –

"Om, a-mee deh-wah, she,"

"Om, ma-nee pad-mee, hum,"

"Om, po-lah-moh lin toh-lin, so-ha,'

'Om, ha ha ha wei-sa-moh-deh, so-ha,"

"Om, dzu-le dzu-lee zhun-the, so-ha,"

"Om, Jam-bah-lah chah-lan chah-nah-yeh, so-ha,"

"Om ah hum, be-dza, guru, peh-ma, sih-dee, hum sed,"

"Oh ah hum, gu-ru-bei, a-ho-sa-sa-ma-ha, lian-sheng shih-dee hum,"

"Deh-yah-tah, om, beh, kah-dze-yah, beh-kah-dze-yah, ma-ha beh-kah-dze-yah, la-dza-sah-mo-kyah-doh-yah, so-ha."

The main reason behind chanting the mantras of these eight principal Personal Deities of the True Buddha School is to pray for a stronger affinity between oneself and the eight Personal Deities. Through affinities with these eight Personal deities, one develops affinities with all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Mahasattvas in all times and spaces. This also symbolizes that one regards all deities equally. Each of these mantras can be recited once, three times, or seven times, depending on how much time one has at the moment.

Empowerment using the Bell and Vajra

At this time one also may perform a ritual to benefit other sentient beings. Remember that the recitation earlier of the eight Principal Deities' mantras is also an invocation of the eight deities to empower one, so that any one of the four possible yogic intents [purification, enhancement, magnetization, and subjugation] which one has may be realized. This requires the employment of the vajra and bell. [Grand Master demonstrates.] Different maneuvering of the vajra and bell serve different purposes. If one learns the proper employment of the Vajra and bell, one may perform their various functions after the recitation of the eight principal heart mantras.

Tapping the bell with the vajra this way four times [Grand Master demonstrates], while visualizing white lights shooting out in four directions of the compass points, is to set up a sacred boundary. The size of the sacred boundary depends on how far the white lights can travel. One listens to the sound of the vajra hitting the bell and visualizes the white light shooting out - the sacred space is thus established. For example, what I am ding now [Grand Master demonstrates] is setting up a sacred space around the Rainbow Villa.

With this other employment of the vajra and bell [Grand Master demonstrates], one has to visualize a parasol of white light soaring up to the sky above the Rainbow Villa, covering the whole area. This is setting the boundary using the Great White Parasol.

In this visualization, the white parasol soars from the vajra and the top of the bell up to the empty space above, covering the whole Rainbow Villa like a canopy. This is the formation of a sacred boundary around the Rainbow Villa. When one performs this step at one's Tantric shrine at home, one then forms a sacred boundary around one's own house. This is tantamount to performing an armor protection for one's house and keeping the demons away. By performing this ritual, the house is purified.

If one intends to bring benefit to others, then, at this point in the practice, one may maneuver the vajra and bell this way above the names of those people. These names should have been placed in position ahead of time. [Grand Master demonstrates]. If one wants to enhance the sales of a certain business, one should visualize a yellow light shinning on that person and his store. One should visualize the person clearly and it is even better if a photograph is available. One may perform as karma yoga of enhancement right away for that person.

If there is a married couple who is always fighting and is heading toward divorce, one may help the couple by maneuvering the vajra and bell this way [Grand Master demonstrates] and visualizing the red light shining over the photograph of the couple. [This is the karma yoga of magnetization].

If someone is sick, one may place his or her photograph before oneself, then maneuver the vajra and bell this way [Grand Master demonstrates] and visualizes a white light shinning over the patient. This is the karma yoga purification.

How about the karma yoga subjugation? One turns over the vajra and bell like this [Grand Master demonstrates] and emits a blue light over the person. This will bring about subjugation.

Just now I have performed a series of vajra and bell manipulations which included boundary formation (armor protection), purification, enhancement, magnetization, and subjugation. If one cannot learn to do all of them, one may simply do one of them. For example, maneuvering the vajra and bell like this, coupled with the visualization of red light, is for harmony and magnetization. [Grand Master demonstrates] This is for purification, enhancement, and subjugation. [Grand Master demonstrates] The vajra and bell can be employed for these four yogic intents at these times of practice, when one finishes chanting the eight principal Heart Mantras.

Actually the mudras or maneuvering of the vajra and bell are not that complicated: one just needs to employ them like this. [Grand Master demonstrates]. One may learn to do them quite easily. There used to be this Taiwanese saying, "The tricks of the trade are not worth much if they are revealed, but it could take one three years to figure them out on one's own." [audience laughter]. This employment of the vajra and bell was transmitted directly to me by Vajrasattva when he took me to a spiritual realm, Many Tibetan tulkus do not know how to employ the vajra and bell for these four secret uses! Vajrasattva brought me up to meet with him and personally explained to me the details involved in their usage. Although the Tibetan tulkus also employ the vajra and bell, I have observed from the way they maneuver them that they have not figured out the secrets. The teachings from Vajrasattva are Ichiban! [Japanese for number one] What you are learning from me today is tantamount to learning indirectly from Vajrasattva himself. [audience applause].

Basics [34]. More to come.....

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Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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