
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lotuschef in Going Back In Time - War

After True Buddha repentance on Thursday evening, I had a dream on Friday.

I found myself being locked in a room in quarters meant for High ranking officers and their families.
The problem is, this is Nazi base and my family are on the Allies side.
My husband is an officer with the Allies. We are French nationals.
I have a boy, tall and about 13 years old.
We are pretty wealthy family too and I have lovely clothes on in that dream.

One of the higher ranking officer in this camp wanted to keep me as his wife, therefore, I am given very large and comfortable room, all to myself.

My husband (injured his right limb and he has a plaster cast from knee down) and an uncle came to rescue me.
My uncle drove a supplies truck and we sat cuddle at the back.
I discovered that there were soldiers yelling and shouting that I have escaped.
I hurriedly moved to face them, shielding my son.
I stared at the Officer that brought me to this place, his face looked so sad as he looked at me. He shouted some orders, but I am not sure whether it is to fire or not fire.
I don't know what happened after that, seems my Spirit is drawn out then. 

So before death hit our physical body or shell, we can actually will our spirit out and away! 

I don't have any memory of death and what happened after I stared at the Officer who took me hostage. I can remember his face though clearly from the dream.
Maybe I am going to see this person soon, that's why the dream.

Did my son and family survived the escape?
I do hope they didn't die coming to rescue me.

If this happened again, I really do not want to be rescue if it means a loss of many lives.

Guru showed me how to get away from our shell when I want to leave my physical shell permanently.
Hahaha! Death is nothing to be afraid of, we just moved out and change another shell only.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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