
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - No Thoughts

莲厨谈心-无念 No thoughts

This is about No thoughts:_
Lotuschef in Chat -GAP is the Key
by LOTUS CHEF on AUGUST 3, 2012

Sometime back, a student shared [No Thoughts], Lotus JingYi pasted a whole article of Guru's into my blog's comment box, to tell me about No Thoughts!

Submitted on 2012/06/04 at 10:14 pm

T226【記者李桂馨台北報導】2010年8月14日蓮生活佛在〈台灣雷藏寺〉「文殊師利菩薩護摩大法會」法語開示《什麼是真正無念?》文/燃燈雜誌整理。[What is truly no thoughts?]
T226[Reporter Li from Taipei] 2010 August 14, Guru's Dharma speech on No Thoughts, posted in Enlighten magazine.

I feel that if Lotus Jingyi can use 20 chinese characters to explain [No thoughts], then he really understand [What is No thoughts?].

Yesterday a student's Right View/perception:
When heart's nature is obvious, one is always a Buddha, gaps between thoughts, is Buddha.
無念就是正覺佛寶!Buddha Jewel Sambodhi is a Quiescent Mind!

[No thoughts] is actually the [Gap between one thought and another]. Total words in Chinese is 16!

Therefore, if you can prolong the Gap between Thoughts, your Ture Meditation time span is longer.

One is always a Buddha - This mean Constantly in meditative state or Samadhi.

In Gap between Thoughts, one can see [Light]. A student has this experience. We cultivated fire offering that morning, and that evening just before sleep and while he is still awake, he saw dazzling bright white light, he also felt his body become very light, as if floating upwards.

This [Gap between thoughts] is the [crucial factor] or [Key]!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

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